



美式发音: [ɪnˈreɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ɪn'reɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:enrages  现在分词:enraging  过去式:enraged  同义词反义词


v.infuriate,anger,make your blood boil,madden,incense



v.1.to make someone extremely angry

1.激怒 absolutely 万万;绝对的 enraged 触怒 capacity 能力 ...

3.被激怒 ... Invade 侵略(效忠着) Enraged 被激怒(承认吧) Don't condescend 不要屈尊(不要反对) ...


5.愤怒的 fall: 杀死 enraged: 愤怒的 legion: 军团 ...

6.暴怒的 infuriated =enraged暴怒的) isolated=remote anchor=secure (抛锚) ...

7.激怒的 ... Determined Disgusted 厌恶的 Enraged 激怒的 Frightened Hungover 喝醉的 喝醉难受的 ...

8.怒不可遏 ... Frightened 恐惧颤栗 Enraged 怒不可遏 Ashamed 羞愧 ...


1.Fairfield Greenwich, which had $7. 5bn invested with Mr Madoff, faces at least one class action lawsuit from enraged investors.FairfieldGreenwich交给马多夫投资的资金达75亿美元,该集团面临着愤怒投资者发起的至少一起集体诉讼。

2.Farmer Nash wasn't at the market, and a few minutes later we saw his enraged red face above the wall on the far side of the field.几分钟后,我们就看见那边儿苹果园墙头上露出一张愤怒的、涨得通红的脸。

3.The dark forces of nature reach out to this enraged man and use him as their vessel to bring death and destruction to Earth.大自然的黑暗势力达到这激怒了男子,并用他们的船,他带来死亡和毁灭地球。

4.and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door.我大为愤怒,便向着这老流氓走去,打算把他踢出门外。

5.Thaurissan and his Dark Irons did not fare as well. Humipated and enraged by their defeat, they vowed revenge against Ironforge.索瑞森和他的黑铁部族则没有那么好运,战败的耻辱让他们更加愤怒,他们发誓一定要报复铁炉堡。

6.After the death of her youngest brother and disappearance of her twin, Jaina was enraged and touched the dark side of the Force.在最小的弟弟牺牲,双胞胎弟弟失踪后,狂怒的杰娜触及了原力的黑暗面。

7.Enraged by the unfairness of it all, a young law student from Beijing University snapped a photo of the scene with her cell phone.一个来自北京大学法律系的学生为这样的不公平感到不满,它拿出手机拍下了现场的照片。

8.When he reads his own comments, Uwe Boll becomes enraged and challenges himself to a bare-knuckled MMA match.当他读到自己的评论时,乌维·鲍尔非常愤怒,于是与自己进行了一场徒手格斗赛。

9.I imagined, for a moment, that this piece of eloquence was addressed to me; and sufficiently enraged.我一时还以为这一番滔滔不绝是对我而发的,我大为愤怒。

10.The German sinking of the British luxury pner Lusitania in 1915 enraged the US pubpc since the passengers killed included 114 Americans.一九一五年,德国炸沉英国豪华邮轮卢西塔尼亚号,遇难乘客之中,有一百一十四个美国人。美国民众非常气愤。