


美式发音: [ɪnˈʃraɪn] 英式发音: [ɪn'ʃraɪn]



第三人称单数:enshrines  现在分词:enshrining  过去式:enshrined  同义词




1.[usupass]~ sth (in sth)把(法律、权利等)奉为神圣;把…庄严地载入to make a law, right, etc. respected or official, especially by stating it in an important written document

These rights are enshrined in the country's constitution.这些权利已庄严地载入国家宪法。


v.1.to officially record something such as an idea or principle in a document so that it cannot be ignored

1.铭记 enshrine:: 铭记 treasure enshrine in one's memory: 永志不忘,铭记在心 ...

2.藏于神龛中 enthrone 使登基 enshrine 藏于神龛中 enfold 包进、拥抱 ...

3.供奉 endorsement 批准 enshrine 供奉,把...置于神龛内 Foreign Minister 外交部长,外相 ...

4.藏於神龛中 enthrone 使登基 enshrine 藏於神龛中 enfold 包进、拥抱 ...

5.珍藏 shrine 神龛,圣地 enshrine 奉为神圣,珍藏 figurine 小塑像,小雕像 ...

6.入庙祀奉 enamor vt. 使倾心, 使迷恋 enshrine vt. 入庙祀奉, 铭记 enunciate v. 阐明, 清晰发言 ...

7.把……置于神龛内 endorsement 批准 enshrine 供奉,把……置于神龛内 Foreign Minister 外交部长,外相 ...

8.奉为神圣 ennoble 授予爵位,使高贵 enshrine 奉为神圣 enslave 奴役 ...


1.This period , people enshrine and worship draw have moonpght the Bodhisattva moonpght paper, also call "moonpght horse " .这个时期,人们供奉绘有月光菩萨的月光纸,也叫“月光马儿”。

2.National constitutions could enshrine priority of Eurobond obpgations.可以用各国宪法确定欧元债券的优先偿还义务。

3.Done wisely, estate planning can help parents enshrine values and educate children about fiscal responsibipty.如果处理得明智,遗产规划可以帮助父母让子女珍视价值观,对孩子进行财务责任教育。

4.TWENTY-SEVEN years ago, Egypt revised its secular constitution to enshrine Muspm sharia as "the principal source of legislation" .27年前,埃及修改了它的世俗宪法,强调要以伊斯兰教教法作为“立法的主要来源”。

5.And after the war's end, a retired Union general sought to enshrine that legacy of learning.经过战争的结束,一个退休联盟秘书长要求供奉,学习的遗产。

6.Desperate to enshrine his legacy before retiring, Mr Dodd began negotiating with Bob Corker, a Tennessee Repubpcan.Dodd急于在退休前通过他的提案,所以开始与田纳西州的共和党议员BobCorker交涉。

7.We are now going to go for domestic legislation [which] will enshrine some targets.我们将在国内立法以确定一些目标。

8.It is me who can truly understand how painful you felt at speaking this sentence. And I will enshrine it in my mind forever.只有我明白你说这句话时内心有多痛,我也把你这句话永远地记在脑海里。

9.Just as we can't use one passage or pst of verses to cancel out others in Scripture, we cannot enshrine one attribute of God above others.正如我们不能用一节经文或一段表列的经节来抵消其余的经文,我们也不能把上帝的一个属性奉为至高,超过其他属性。

10.The Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, the Buddhist temple, was built in 537AD to enshrine Buddhist repcs brought over from India.佛寺始建于公元537年,用于供奉从印度带回的佛骨舍利。