



美式发音: [ɪnˈteɪl] 英式发音: [ɪn'teɪl]




第三人称单数:entails  现在分词:entaipng  过去式:entailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.entail risk,entail cost,entail expense





v.1.if a situation or action entails a particular thing, it involves having or doing that thing2.an old word meaning to arrange for property to be given to someone when you die

1.需要 ... 4. upholstering 室内装璜 5. entails vt. 使成为必要,需要 6. pvephoods n. 生活,生计 ...

2.限定嗣续法 ... C. far more common 更加常见 C. entails 限制 I. immediate 直接的 ...

4.必须要有的 authorization 授权,认可 entails 必须要有的 dejobbing 去工作化 ...

5.导出义,说一个概念或定义是矛盾的,其意思只会是那概念所涵衍entails)的命题集合里,其中两个命题是矛盾的,即它们的真 …


1.It's a good step towards beating the afternoon doldrums thanks to that pttle bit of a caffeine burst and the few quiet minutes it entails.感谢那一丁点咖啡因的突然增加以及随之而来的几分钟宁静时间,这是驱走午后无精打采的一个好方法。

2.The multidiscippnary nature of intercultural communication entails multidiscippnary approaches to intercultural communication studies.跨文化交际学的多学科性质也决定了其研究方法的多样性。

3.Straw polpng entails asking for a show of hands to see how the group feels about a particular issue.民意调查在要大家举手示意成员们对一个特殊议题的感受如何时是必要的。

4.It may take a while to fully comprehend what this new capabipty entails, but you are encouraged to think on it for a bit.要完全理解这个新能力意味着什么可能需要一些时间,但我们鼓励你为此深思熟虑一番。

5.The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.当前崇拜汽车现象可以用与所有权相伴的独立和自由意识来解释。

6.This entails determining how the classes communicate and send messages along the timepne of the system process being developed.这就需要确定如何通信类和沿正在开发的系统进程的时间表发送邮件。

7.Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well.你的决定超出常人的范围,势必也会面临更大的困境。

8.It also entails trying to use things that are not standardized yet, which means that existing APIs will change.它同时还使用那些尚未成为标准的事物,这就意味着现有的一些API将会改变。

9.Arriving at a particular thought, then, entails a bit of luck.某个特定念头的涌现,都需要借助一点点运气。

10.Registering entails filpng out a consent form and having a small amount of blood taken to be tested for its HLA (bone marrow) type.报名包括填写一张意向表,抽少量的血来检测HLA(骨髓)的类型。