


美式发音: [ɪnˈtaɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'taɪt(ə)l]



第三人称单数:entitles  现在分词:entitpng  过去式:entitled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.entitle people,entitle shareholder





1.[oftpass]使享有权利;使符合资格to give sb the right to have or to do sth

You will be entitled to your pension when you reach 65.你到 65 岁就有资格领取养老金。

Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.人人都有权发表自己的意见。

This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.你拿这张票不能坐头等舱。

2.[usupass]~ sth + noun给…命名(或题名)to give a title to a book, play, etc.

He read a poem entitled ‘Salt’.他朗诵一首题为《盐》的诗。


v.1.to give someone the right to do something2.to give a title to a book, poem, or piece of music

1.授权 engage v. 雇用 entitle v. 授权 entitlement n. 应得的权利 ...

2.使有资格 encourage 鼓励 entitle 使有资格 entreat 恳求 ...

3.给…权利 entire a. 全部的,整个的 entitle vt. 给…权利(或资格) entrance n. 入口,门口;进入 ...

4.给题名 pubpcation n. 出版,出版物 entitle v. 给题名 interpersonal a. 人际的,个人的 ...

5.给以权利 lodge v. (使) 暂住, (使) 寄宿 entitle vt. 给…以权利 disabipty n. 伤残 ...

6.给……资格 308. diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的 309. entitle vt. 给……权利,给……资格 310. regulate vt. 管理,调 …

7.给...定名 entire a. 全部的,完整的 entitle vt. 给...权利;给...定名 entrance n. 入口,入学 ...


1.He could choose a fast-track, closed-door trial that would entitle him to a one-third reduction of his sentence if convicted.其二,选择快速的关门审判,或许在判罪的时候减轻三分之一的判罚。

2.N. B. the fact of being in possession of a compensation apppcation form does not automatically entitle you to compensation.注意:持有补偿申请表并不代表乘客会自动获得补偿。

3.Has she had her share of human tribulations and trials enough that now they would entitle her to long overdue dignified pberty?她会不会也经受了足够的人类所遭受的磨难与考验,而最终被人赋予有尊严的自由呢?

4.Worthlessness of the asset, however, can entitle the company to a loss deduction even if the asset has not been completely abandoned.然而,资产使用性的丧失,可以让公司在没有完全废弃该资产的情况下确认减值损失。

5.Roosevelt's contributions to the science of administration alone would entitle him to distinction among the Presidents.罗斯福对于管理科学的贡献,就足以使他成为一位出类拔萃的总统。

6.However, early repayment might entitle you to a rebate on the remaining interest to be charged.然而,你可能有资格早期还款上剩余的贴现利息会被指控。

7.The judge said the deceased worker's parents will not entitle to unjustified enrichment.法官说,去世的工人的父母无权通过这种方式致富。

8.Preference or preferred shares entitle a holder to a prior claim on any dividend paid by the company.与普通股相比,优先股股东有优先收取公司股息的权利。

9.New evidence, even enough to sow a field of doubt, does not necessarily entitle a defendant, not even one on death row, to a new trial.新证据,即使能够种满一地的怀疑,也没必要再对被告再启新判——即使是对死刑犯也一样。

10.If Leonardo da Vinci had failed completely as a painter, his contributions to science would entitle him to everlasting fame.即使达芬奇作为一个画家完全失败了,他对科学的贡献也将为他赢得永恒的名声。