


网络释义:提高采收率(enhanced oil recovery);提高石油采收率;提高原油采收率


1.提高采收率(enhanced oil recovery)提高采收率技术及其应用 20 年来,石油勘探与开发行业较少提及提高采收率EOR) 这一术语。然而在此期间,通过蒸汽驱 …

2.提高石油采收率提高石油采收率EOR)是一种减轻CCS成本的方法,但美国得克萨斯州A&M大学教授Christine Ehpg-Economides认为,在EO…

3.提高原油采收率提高原油采收率(EOR)方法概论 广义的提高石油采收率概念包括二次、 广义的提高石油采收率概念包括二次、三次采油及各种 …

4.三次采油而三次采油(EOR)主要包括化学采油技术,微生物采油技术以及物理采油技术三大方面,根据中国石油工业发展的趋势与需要, …

5.强化采油是强化采油EOR)的一种措施,是油气井增产、注入井增注的一项有效的技术措施。其原理是通过酸液对岩石胶结物或地层 …

6.提高采收率法采油据估计,中国通过二氧化碳—提高采收率法采油(EOR)和采气(EGR) 的二氧化碳达到100亿吨。况且,对油气田的评估也是在流 …


1.The concentration measurement of novel water-soluble polymers used in EOR by means of ultraviolet spectroscopy is discussed.通过实验验证了紫外光谱法可用于测定提高采收率用新型聚合物浓度。

2.Foam flooding is one of the most potential EOR methods, which can obviously enhance sweep efficiency and displacement efficiency.泡沫驱是最有发展前途的三次采油方法之一,它既能显著地提高波及系数,又能提高驱油效率。

3.Acidizing is one of the most effective EOR methods used in sandstone reservoirs.酸化是砂岩油气藏最有效的增产措施之一。

4.The preparation, performance, apppcation and their specialty and prospect of surfactants used in EOR are introduced mainly in the paper.本文主要介绍和概述了三次采油用表面活性剂的制备、性能、应用特点及其发展前景。

5.Therefore, the terpolymer use in EOR flooding as the main oil displacement agent and the blocking agent will have relatively good prospect.因此,作为三次采油中的驱油主剂以及调剖堵水剂都有较为良好的应用前景。

6.Remaining oil development is a necessary choice for EOR and improves development efficiency during the high water-cut period.剩余油挖潜是油田开发进入高含水期阶段提高采收率,改善开发效果的必然选择。

7.The paper describes various reservoir apppcations of horizontal wells from primary recovery to EOR apppcations.这篇文章描述了水平井在各种油藏中的应用,从最初的提高采收率到EOR应用。

8.The remaining oil is the material fundamental for regulating development project, stable production and EOR.而剩余油则是老油田进行开发方案调整,挖潜稳产和提高采收率的物质基础。

9.Such abundant remaining oil is the rich foundation of improving reserve and the important basis for EOR .如此可观的剩余油是我国老油田增储上产的丰厚基础和提高采收率的重要依据。

10.EOR by CO2 injection possesses great potential to increase oil production, this paper considers CO2 injection as the object of research.注气提高采收率是一种很具潜力的增油措施,本文以注CO2为研究对象。