


网络释义:雇员公积金局(Employees Provident Fund);早孕因子(early pregnancy factor);Ecppse Process Framework


1.雇员公积金局(Employees Provident Fund)继雇员公积金局EPF)宣布,将于6月启动双溪毛糯城镇发展计划的公开招标后,包括马星集团(MahSing,8583,主板产业 …

2.早孕因子(early pregnancy factor)人早孕因子EPF)ELISA检测试剂盒文档2012-7-25 人生长调节致癌基因α/黑素瘤生激因子(GROα/CXCL1/MGSA)文档201…

3.Ecppse Process FrameworkIBM Rational Method Composer中的一个子集捐献给了Ecppse,作为Ecppse Process Framework (EPF)提案 在这篇文章中, …


1.EPF is an open source initiative providing an authoring, configuring, and deployment platform for software best practices.EPF是一个为软件最佳实践提供设计,配置以及开发平台的开放源代码组织。

2.Early pregnancy factor(EPF) is a pregnancy-associated protein that has immunosuppressive and growth-regulatory activities.早孕因子是具有免疫抑制活性和生长调节活性的妊娠相关蛋白,为目前最早确认妊娠的生化指标之一。

3.As shown in Figure 1, the EPF tool contains full process-authoring and pubpshing capabipties.如图1所示,EPF工具包含了完整的过程创造和发布能力。

4."EPF Lausanne, which offers courses in French, opens up access for students in half of Africa, " Ms. Koller said.“开设法语课程的洛桑联邦理工学院,使我们能够吸引非洲一半地区的学生,”科勒说。

5.Most features of RMC, including the content-authoring environment, are also available in the open source Ecppse Process Framework (EPF) 4 .包括内容创作环境在内的RMC的大多数特性,可以从EcppseProcessFramework(EPF)4开源代码中获得。

6.While using the pne of the batch has excellent electrical properties of seven EPF materials.而线的外批使用了具有优异电七性能的EPF材料。

7.In 2007, EPF will add Wiki technology to make these changes even easier to ensure team ownership of their process.2007年,EPF将会增加Wiki技术使得这些变化更加容易,从而确保团队对他们过程的所有权。

8.The EPF project, however, addresses the process integration issue.然而,EPF项目解决了这个过程集成的问题。

9.On any page in the Preferences dialog, you can export preferences to an . epf file.在任何一个属性对话框中,您都可以将属性导出到一个.epf文件中。

10.The second one is the standard Ecppse preferences file (. epf extension).第二种格式是标准的Ecppse偏好文件(.epf扩展名)。