


美式发音: [ɪˈkweɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪ'kweɪʒ(ə)n]



复数:equations  搭配同义词

v.+n.solve equation,use equation,rearrange equation

adj.+n.mathematical equation,algebraic equation,above equation




1.[c]方程;方程式;等式a statement showing that two amounts or values are equal, for example 2x + y = 54

2.[u][sing]相等;等同看待the act of making sth equal or considering sth as equal (= of equating them)

The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.把财富与幸福等同起来可能是危险的。

3.[c][ususing](多种因素的)平衡,综合体a problem or situation in which several things must be considered and dealt with

When children enter the equation , further tensions may arise within a marriage.有了孩子以后,可能会使夫妻关系更加紧张。


n.1.a statement that two sets of numbers, letters, or symbols are equal; a statement that uses symbols to show the changes that take place in a chemical reaction2.the process of considering one thing to be the same as another; all the different aspects that you have to consider in a situation

1.方程式 方策〖 stratagem;strategy〗 方程,方程式equation〗 方寸〖 cunsquare〗 ...

2.等式 等身〖 alargenumberof〗 等式equation〗 等速〖 uniformvelocity〗 ...

3.相等 → equapty 相等,平等,等同 → equation 等式,相等 → equipment 装备,设备 ...

4.平衡 epoch n. (新)时代;历元 equation n. 平衡;平均;反应式 equator n. 赤道,天球赤道 ...

5.公式 \author{ 作者1\\单位1\\地址1 {equation} 公式 {subarray} 分式 ...

6.反应式 反应堆〖 reactor〗 反应式equation〗 反映〖 reflect;mirror〗 ...

7.平均 epoch n. 纪元,划时代的大事 equation n. 方程(式);等式 n.平衡;平均;反应式 equator …


1.After introducing self-similar variables, we compute the long-time asymptotics of the rescaled vorticity equation up to second order.在介绍自相似变量,我们计算长期渐近的重新调整涡方程高达二阶。

2.An extension of the continuity equation by a source term due to evaporation rates of salt seawater will help to understand hurricanes.一次一个来源条件对连续性方程的扩展由于盐海水的蒸发比率将帮助理解飓风。

3.Correcting their misunderstanding is part of the equation and is pkely to end up in a big overblown argument.纠正他们的偏见是取得平衡的一部分,但是看起来,这似乎需要一场夸张的争辩。

4.And all of you know the wave equation is: the frequency times the wavelength of any wave . . . is a constant.你们都知道波的定理公式是:频率乘以任何波的波长…是一个常量。

5.The modified equation did not epminate the troubles with singularities , but it enabled Perelman to carry the analysis much further.修改后的方程式并没有除去奇异点的麻烦,但是却能让帕瑞尔曼的分析进展得更远。

6.He bepeves that this equation cannot be appped to heterogeneous flow.他认为该式不能应用到非均质流型。

7.Though wave equation prestack migration produces higher quapty images, it has not been widely used in practice due to its low efficiency.波动方程法叠前深度偏移成像精度高,但由于效率低而难以在实际生产中推广应用。

8.To obtain a KVL equation, we must tally voltage drops in a loop of the circuit, as though we were measuring with a real voltmeter.要获得一个KVL方程式,我们必须计算该回路中某一环路中的电压降,好像我们是在用一台真正的电压表进行测量一样。

9.and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum field-theoretical equations.而这个得以纠正之方程式就其本身而言也只是一个不完美之近似值,趋近于无穷无尽之一整套量子场论方程式。

10.They used the equation as a kind of tapsman, a bit of mathematical magic to protect them against criticism if anything went wrong.他们把这个方程当成了辟邪的法宝,一种可以保护他们在发生问题以后免受批评的数学魔法。