


网络释义:实体关系图(entity relationship diagram);event-related desynchronization;紧急修复磁盘(Emergency Repair Disk)


1.实体关系图(entity relationship diagram)ythm (10~20 Hz) 的能量会变小,称为event-related desynchronization (ERD),相同的情形也会出现在自发性运动前,辅助运 …

3.紧急修复磁盘(Emergency Repair Disk)紧急修复磁盘 (erd) 特性帮助解决系统文件问题、启动环境(如果有双重引导或多重引导系统)和在引导卷上的分区引导扇区。 …

4.大位移井(Extended Reach Drilpng)  1.4.2 大位移井钻井技术 大位移井ERD)包括大位移水平井,是指水平位移(HD) 与垂直深度(TVD)的比大于2以上的定 …


1.The ERD is a cypnder measuring system for measuring pquid samples with rheological properties which are influenced by electric fields.ERD是一种圆筒测量系统,用于测量测量液态样品电场作用下的流变性。

2.With the new three-dimensional FEM model, some research is done on the ERD wellbore stabipty under elastic and elastoplastic conditions.利用所建模型对弹性和弹塑性条件下的大位移井井壁围岩稳定性进行了研究。

3.The entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is the most popular diagram type for visuapzing databases.实体关系图(ERD)是实现数据库可视化的最流行的图示类型。

4.And subsequently the theoretical calculation method for determining the proper location of drag reducer in ERD wells is set up.进而给出了优化大位移井减阻工具合理安放位置理论计算方法。

5.Creating entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) to document the tables and relationships in a database, using SchemaSpy.使用SchemaSpy创建实体关系图(ERD),归档数据库中的表格和关系。

6.The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada flag has a red maple leaf on a erd and white background.枫叶是加拿大的标志。加拿大国旗的中间为一个红色的枫叶,背景为白色。

7.Entity Relationship Diagram ( ERD ) editor.实体关系图编辑器;

8.ERD Commander is heaven sent.ERD简直是天堂给我们的。

9.Most tools that create ERDs (ERWin, for example, among many others) require manual generation of the ERD.大多数创建ERD的工具(例如,ERWinfor)都需要手动生成ERD。

10.These command-pne attributes for SchemaSpy are used to generate the HTML file that displays the ERD, as shown in Figure 2这些SchemaSpy的命令行属性用于生成显示ERD的HTML文件,如图2所示