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1.埃里希 弗里达格 Frydag 弗罗姆,艾里克 Fromm,Erich 弗莱克,亚历山大 Fleck,Alexander ...

4.艾利希 KK 的漫画抽屉 Erich 部屋 supertara 的博客 ...


1.An Analysis the Archetype " written by Erich Neumann has been used to analysis firstborn daughter 's images. "这一部分借鉴埃利希·伊曼《大母神:原型分析》的原型理论来分析长女形象。

2.Erich Gamma : This principle is really about dependency relationships which have to be carefully managed in a large app.这项原则关系到对于大型应用程序中的依赖关系的控制,而这点正是要妥善管理的。

3.Love Story author Erich Segal has died from a heart attack at home in London aged 72, his daughter has said.《爱情故事》的作者埃里奇西格尔因心脏病死于伦敦家中,享年72岁。

4.A second major design advance was the pioneering work of Erich Gamma on software patterns.第二个主要的设计进步是ErichGamma关于软件模式的前期工作。

5.This prompted Erich von Daniken in his book Chariots of the Gods to suggest that they actually were runways for extraterrestrial craft.埃里奇·冯·丹尼肯在他的《神的战车》一书中提到那实际上是外太空飞船使用的跑道。

6.Erich Gamma : You still have to make the decisions, but a pattern language provides you more guidance and it has some flow.ErichGamma:你仍然需要做决策,但模式语言给了你更多的指导,它有一些流程。

7.Erich Clementi of IBM noted that healthcare, government, financial services, and retail organizations are interested in big data analytics.IBM的ErichClementi指出,卫生保健、政府、财务服务以及零售公司都对海量数据分析很感兴趣。

8.Erich looks at me. "But why, " he rejoins "Must it not? "埃里克看着我,“为什么不能有呢?”

9.Erich Gamma : A practice that we follow is to assign a component to a group.我们所遵循的实践是每个团队分配一个组件的开发。

10.Along with many other top party functionaries, former state and party chief Erich Honecker is expelled from the party in disgrace.前国家和党的最高领导人昂纳克以及许多其他党的高级官员被开除出党。