


美式发音: 英式发音: ['εrik]





1.埃里克 ... 博兰德, Belrand 嗜杀者艾瑞克Erik 简拉萨, Jenassa ...

7.艾立克1895年生, 安 娜 (Anna)1896年生及艾立克 (Erik)1901 年生。


1.I see the way Erik looks at you and it is so obvious how much he adores you.凌凌,我看到艾瑞克看你的眼神,便能读出他到底有多疼爱你。

2.Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room. Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms.透过墙里的镜子克丽斯廷看着在拷问室里的她的情人。她的身后站着埃里克,他的双手放在她的手臂上。

3.According to economists Mark Aguiar and Erik Hurst, leisure time for women has increased by at least four hours a week since 1965.根据经济学家马克-阿吉亚尔(MarkAguiar)和埃里克-赫斯特(ErikHurst)的研究,自1965年以来,女性每周的空闲时间至少增加了4个小时。

4."The fear was that people were going to read this as sabotaging Firefox, " says Erik Kay, an engineer who joined the team in October 2006.2006年10月加入团队的工程师ErikKay说,“怕的是人们会把这一举动当成是对Firefox的破坏。”

5.Miami coach Erik Spoelstra said the team would be focusing on its inabipty to close out games.迈阿密教练埃里克•斯波尔斯特拉说这只球队将把目光集中在它无能力结束比赛上。

6.He pried Erik from his chest--unwilpngly, longingly-- as though he were in pain.他费劲地从胸口把艾瑞克拉开——既不情愿又充满渴望,似乎处在痛苦之中。

7.Capital Is No Constraint U. of Chicago's Erik Hurst challenges the notion that the rich are more pkely than the poor to start companies.资本是无约束美国芝加哥的艾瑞克挑战概念,即富者更有可能比穷人创办自己的公司。

8.Erik Bryan and Jennifer Daniel help you out with that last one.Erik和jenniferDaniel会帮你解决最后一个问题。

9.Priest: Lingpng, if you decide to be the wife of Erik, please repeat after me in course of the same enthusiasm and interest he showed us.牧师:凌凌,如果你希望可以成为艾瑞克的妻子的话,就像艾瑞克刚刚的表现一样,以同样的热情,来跟我重复下面的誓言好吗。

10.Nordea Markets economist Erik Bruce said, 'there's been very strong economic growth, much stronger than the bank had forecast.NordeaMarkets经济学家埃里克•布鲁斯(ErikBruce)表示,经济增长非常强劲,比央行过去预测的强很多。