


美式发音: [ˈɜrmɪn] 英式发音: [ˈɜː(r)mɪn]







1.白色鼬皮(尤用于法官、国王等的服饰)the white winter fur of the stoat , used especially to decorate the formal clothes of judges, kings, etc.



n.1.white fur, used especially to decorate formal clothes worn by kings, queens, and judges2.a small thin animal of the weasel family whose fur is white in the winter

1.貂 狼獾(貂熊) WOLVERENE (扫雪鼬) ERMINE 食鱼貂 FISHER ...

2.貂皮 ermine trim dress coat 银鼠皮镶饰大衣 ermine 貂皮 Ernos 乐诺司牌手表 ...

3.貂的白毛皮 equivocal adj. 意义含糊的,不直率的 ermine n. 貂,貂的白毛皮 errant adj. 错误的,脱离正途的 ...

4.扫雪鼬 松鼠[ Squirrel] 扫雪鼬[ Ermine] 木狼[ Timber Wolf] ...

5.白鼬 ergot 麦角症. ermine 白鼬. erne 白尾海雕. ...

6.蹄冠白 ... 鞍垫 NUMNAH 蹄冠白 ERMINE 调教索 LUNGE REIN ...

7.银鼠银鼠Ermine)其实就是现在流行的贵族宠物-宠物貂,这幅肖像在1485年绘出,距今将近600年左右,说明雪貂当时已经成为 …


1.i order you to do so , " the king answered him , and majestically gathered in a fold of his ermine mantle" .“我命令你坐下。”国王一边回答,一边庄重地把他那白底黑花皮袍大襟挪动了一下。

2.With this, she produced the ermine from her bag, held it in her right hand, took Duan Yu by his left arm, and started walking outside.说着从皮囊中摸出闪电貂来,捧在右手,左臂挽了段誉向外便走。

3.Don't disturb it, the child when the memory is too perfect, regardless of any future one may meet cannot give it to add ermine tail.别去惊动它,孩时的那份记忆太完美,无论今后的任何一种可能的相见都不能给它续添上貂尾。

4.The creature is white, furry and bony. Scholars have written reams about this ermine's significance as an allegory of purity.白色的小东西毛茸茸的,很是骨感,学者们写过大量文章论述貂代表着纯洁无瑕。

5.Mademoiselle Vaubois, perfect in her style, was the ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelpgence.弗波瓦姑娘是她那种人中的典型,是一头冥顽不灵、没有一点聪明的银鼠。

6.The visitor quickly comes face to face with the portrait of Cecipa Gallerani, also known as "The Lady with an Ermine" (pictured above).参观者一进美术馆立即就能与《西西莉亚•加莱拉尼的画像》,也叫《抱貂的女人》打个照面。

7.For theprocession from the Abbey, her crown was the Imperial Crownof State, which has silver arches and a thick ermine fringe .从威斯敏斯特大教堂走出来时,戴的是有很宽的貂皮缘饰的穹形银质帝国王冠。

8.He was tall, stiff, dignified, and she was wearing the ermine toque she'd bought when her hair was yellow.他身材高大、神态拘谨、举止庄重,而她戴的貂皮无沿帽是在她的头发是黄色时买的。

9.One painting of Cecipa Gallerani has come to be known as "Lady with an Ermine" because of the small white animal she is holding.一个张柏芝Gallerani画已经到了被称为“女人与貂”,因为她手里拿着白色的小动物。

10.A duchess resplendent in ermine robes , a tiara, and a diamond dog collar .公爵夫人华丽的白鼬外袍、头冠和项圈式衣领。