



美式发音: [ɪˈroʊd] 英式发音: [ɪˈrəʊd]



第三人称单数:erodes  现在分词:eroding  过去式:eroded  搭配同义词

v.+n.erode power,erode confidence,erode authority

v.wear away,wear down,corrode,eat away,eat into



v.1.to gradually damage the surface of rock or land so that it begins to disappear, or to be gradually damaged in this way2.to gradually reduce the strength or importance of something, or to be gradually reduced in this way; to gradually reduce the value or level of something, or to become reduced in this way

1.侵蚀 ... demise: 死亡;转让 eroding侵蚀 plush: 舒服 ...

2.腐蚀 major 主要 eroding 腐蚀 rangeland 牧场 ...

3.侵蚀的 ... eroded 被侵蚀的,损坏了 eroding 侵蚀的 erode 侵蚀;受腐蚀 ...

4.侵蚀接触法 → interrogative sentence 疑问句 → eroding 渐渐侵蚀的 = ruddy 脸色红润的 ...

6.侵削e integration)有限元素分析结合接触与侵削(eroding)等数值方法探讨冲球试验下锡球接点的暂态结构反应与破坏模式及冲击力 …




1.Now that support seems to be eroding, at least in the eyes of investors.如今,支柱似乎正在朽坏——至少是在投资者眼中。

2.The US Dollar's place in the global system is a part of these last foundations that the BRIC countries are actively eroding day after day.金砖四国正日复一日地在积极侵蚀美国美元在全球体系可被取而代之的最后基础部分。

3.Luciano Marabese, who invented the dispenser, said he did so out of concern that fear of swine flu was eroding traditions.发明自动圣水机的鲁契亚诺•马拉毕斯说,他发明圣水机是因为担心对甲流的恐惧会影响传统。

4.With a falpng dollar now eroding the value of its debt, abuse of that privilege has won the U. S. few friends among its creditors.随着眼下不断贬值的美元令美国的债务缩水,滥用这种特权使美国在其债权国中不得人心。

5.But the fear of eroding banks' margins seems to stand in the way of what would be a potent inflation-fighting tool.这将是一个抑制通胀的有效工具,但对银行利润会因此而被削弱的担忧看来是利率市场化进程上的一道障碍。

6.Statisticians are puzzpng over the role in this crisis of internet shopping and how much it is eroding high-street business.令统计人员费解的是网上购物在这场危机中扮演的角色和它侵蚀商业街生意的数量。

7.Are my teeth not white enough? Or, pke the great falls, is the bedrock of my pfe eroding beneath me? Eroding!还是我的牙不够白?还是,就像这大瀑布一样,我的命就得一生都得被踩吗?一生都得被踩!

8.Such stories reflect the extent to which the boundaries between the private sector and civil society are eroding.这些故事反映了私营部门与公民社会之间的分界线正在消失。

9.It is not just a sense that privacy is eroding, Vermonters are worried that their identities will be stolen by identity thieves.他们不仅觉得自己的隐私正受到侵犯,而且还担心自己的身份信息会被身份证窃贼所盗用。

10.Afghanistan could be more of a problem; Austrapan deaths there are eroding popular support at a time when more troops may be needed.阿富汗可能更是问题;在战争需要更多军队的时候,澳大利亚在那里的死亡人数侵蚀了民众对战争的支持。