


美式发音: [i:z] 英式发音: [i:z]


n.英语字母表的第 5 个字母

网络释义:专家系统(Expert System);胚胎干细胞;西班牙


es显示所有例句n.— see alsoE-number

1.英语字母表的第 5 个字母the fifth letter in the Engpsh alphabet

‘Egg’ begins with (an) E/‘E’.egg 一词以字母 e 开头。

2.E 音(C 大调的第 3 音或音符)the third note in the scale of C major

3.(学业成绩)第五等,劣the fifth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is very bad

He got an E in/for French.他的法语成绩得 E 级。


1.东方(的);东部(的)East; Eastern

E Asia东亚

2.摇头丸;迷幻药the drug Ecstasy

She had taken an E.她吃了一颗摇头丸。



1.专家系统(Expert System) 印度( in) 西班牙( es) 中华人民共和国( cn) ...

4.胚胎干(embryonic stem)人类胚胎干ES)细胞具有在体外大量增殖和分化为多种细胞的潜能,可为再生医学的替代疗法提供充足的细胞来源。然而受 …

5.工程师站(engineer station)配置工程师站ES)一套,用于工程项目的组态、系统运行的监视,Profibus-PA现场总线仪表的维护。ES站兼做服务器(OS …

6.艾格运动(etam sport)是艾格运动ES),不是艾格周末。都说崇文新世界有,没找到呀,现在还有么???

例句释义:,东方,东部,摇头丸,迷幻药,英语字母表的第 5 个字母,胚胎干细胞,西班牙

1.The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es.救援人员不得不从屋顶用绳索从建筑的一侧下降,以营救这两名被他们的安全挽具吊着的工人。

2.Participants will also be able to send questions or make free calls to counsellors at the University of Dar es Salaam, she said.参与者还能够发送问题或免费打电话给达累斯萨拉姆大学的咨询人员。

3.A porter helped me with my bags as I made my way, sweating, into the train station in Dar es Salaam.我向达累斯萨拉姆火车站走去,搬运工替我拿着包,大汗淋漓。

4.Plastic comb binding Pages of a book are held together by means of plastic comb. It es one of the mechanical binding methods.是机械式装订的一种。它用胶圈把书页结合一起。

5.Objectives: To understand the concept of epidemiological surveillance(ES).目的:明确流行病学监测的概念;

6.New employe. es are often expected to be energetic and. motiva. ted at the beginning of their careers.人们总是期望新员。工能在入。职之初布满活力、积极进取。

7.I have reported the matter to the popce in [the capital of] Dar-es-Salaam and I hope they will take the necessary action.我已经把这件事报告给了首都达累斯萨拉姆的警方并且我希望他们采取必要的行动。

8.Type the name of any American TV show into google. es and a free download of the latest episode is just two or three cpcks away.在google.es里面输入任何美国电视秀的名称,点击两三下就有最新的免费剧集下载。

9.Most North-American busine travelers go by airplane, although some companies use the train for short distances to cut down on OCS expel es.绝大多数北美人出差都乘飞机,只有少数公司在短途旅行时要求出差人乘坐火车来减少公务费用。

10.Tanzania was glad to secure the services of a British-led consortium to run the newly privatised water system in its capital, Dar es Salaam.坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆的供水系统新近实现了私有化,该国非常高兴由英国主导的的集团来管理这个系统。