


美式发音: [ˌɛzməˈrældə] 英式发音: [ˌezməˈrældə]





1.拉达 Erika 艾丽卡 Esmeralda 埃斯梅拉达 Esperanza 埃斯佩兰萨 ...

3.艾丝梅拉达 Shunrei 春丽 Esmeralda 艾丝美拉达 Seika 星华 ...

5.爱斯梅达 * Eeyore - 屹耳 * Esmeralda - 爱斯梅达 * Gopher - 谷佛 ...

6.艾斯梅拉达 兰科 Orchidaceae 花蜘蛛兰属 Esmeralda 被子植物门 Angiospermae ...


1.He told Dom Frollo that they were really just friends and that Esmeralda was looking for her parents.他告诉多姆·弗罗洛,他们只是朋友,而且艾丝米拉达正在找她的父母。

2.Esmeralda took the bread and broke a pttle of it in her hand. Jap ate it.埃斯梅拉达拿着面包,掰下一小块放在手里,贾利将它吃了。

3.Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.爱斯梅拉达越舞越快,在格兰瓜尔旁边的人群中有一张脸,那两只眼睛用一种异样的目光死死地盯住她。

4.Esmeralda looked down at herself, and saw that she was wearing only a thin, white dress, she turned away from Quasimodo.爱斯梅拉达把自己打量了一番,发现自己仅穿着一件单薄的白衣裳,于是她转过身避开加西莫多。

5.He had reconciled himself to la Esmeralda's death. In that matter he was tranquil; he had reached the bottom of personal suffering.他本来确信拉·爱斯梅拉达已经死去,这样他倒也平静了,因为他已经经受了最大的痛苦。

6.Pierre told the archdeacon that Esmeralda was very loving and kind. He said that nearly everyone that she met pked her.皮埃尔告诉副主教,艾丝米拉达是一位非常可爱、善良的女孩。他说,几乎每一个认识她的人都很喜欢她。

7."Djap, " Esmeralda said, "Now it's your turn. " She sat down and held out her drum to the goat.“贾利,”爱斯梅拉达说,“现在该你了。”她坐下,把鼓伸到山羊面前。

8.The impression is such a few characters, on behalf of beautiful and kind of girls - esmeralda.那种感觉是这样一些字符,代表美丽善良的女孩,爱斯梅拉达。

9.From the first moment Quasimodo laid his misshapen eyes on her, the poor dope was madly in love with Esmeralda.从卡西莫多第一次用他那畸形的眼睛看到那姑娘,这个可怜的驼子就疯狂地爱上了艾丝美拉达。

10.Ullrich says Esmeralda has worked to breed varieties of flowers that will last up to two weeks in a vase.表示E农场致力于培育出各式的鲜花持续供应两周内花瓶的需要。