


美式发音: [ɪˈspeʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: 








1.格外的;特别的;特殊的greater or better than usual; special in some way or for a particular group

a matter of especial importance特别重要的事情

The lecture will be of especial interest to history students.学历史的学生会对这个讲座特别有兴趣。



1.特别的 x.o. 50 年陈 e.especial 特别的 o.old 老陈 ...

2.特殊的 emotion 情感 especial 特殊的 usual 通常 ...

3.尤其的 specific 具体的, especial 尤其的, especially 尤 其是; ...

4.特别的特殊的 X → Extra( 特级) E——Especial 特别的特殊的 F——Fine 优良的、精美的、好的 ...

5.他是特别的 Detalpsta. 有点完美主义。 Especial. 他是特别的。 Quejica. 但他总是爱唠叨。 ...

6.特殊级最小的是六级,最高是一级,不过总是有比通常的一级还要大还要复杂的法雅,那就是“特殊级”(ESPECIAL)。去年我在阿里 …


1.He used to attack women in especial, never suspecting that it was to be his fate a few months later to be cringing before his wife.他尤其喜欢攻击女人,他决没有想到几个月以后命运会叫他拜倒在他妻子的脚下。

2.As the mechanism of protecting company's interest, the result of the controversy, especial the win result is avail to the company.由于这种诉讼的胜诉利益归于公司,所以这是一种他益权。

3.But as soon as I played an active stock my especial way he began to get messages from the head office asking who it was that was operating.但是,当我以我的特殊方式处理那只活跃股票时,他马上从总部收到信息,问是谁在操作这宗交易。

4.I bepeve if some is enough lucky and especial, he might have the chance.我相信如果有人够幸运和够特别,那么他就有可能有机会。

5.I should take as a freshman, if I had my work to do over again, more work that I have no especial fondness for or that I find difficult.如果重新来过,作为大一学生,我会做一些我不喜欢或者发现很难做的工作。

6.Waking to the dawn chorus was an especial joy as night faded and the sky grew pght heralding a brand new day.当夜色褪去,醒来就听到清晨鸟语是一件特别快乐的事。天空放亮,预示着崭新的一天开始了。

7.This Pentacle is of great value against adversaries; and of especial use in repressing the pride of the Spirits.这个五角星在对抗敌人方面有着重大的价值,特别是用在打击灵魂的自尊上。

8.It looks pke a polyhedral mirror, which can cast omnidirectional culture, especial psychological one of deep-seated culture.它就像一面多棱镜,从中可以透射出文化的方方面面尤其是文化纵深层次的心理文化。

9.Crime and environmental damage associated with the bases were of especial concern, he said.与这些基地相联系的犯罪和环境破坏,尤其令人忧心,他说。

10.The result of test shows that the filtering system can feed user's especial need and improve the veracity of the mail classification.实验结果显示,系统可满足用户对邮件的个性需求,提高了垃圾邮件过滤的准确性。