


美式发音: [ˈɛsˌkwaɪər] 英式发音: [isˈkwaiə]








n.1.a youth serving as an attendant or shield bearer to a medieval knight, especially as a stage in his own training for knighthood2.a courtesy title placed after a man's full name, especially the name of an attorney, in correspondence

1.君子 History Today 历史杂志 Esquire 绅士杂志 The American Spectator 美国观察者 ...



1.and as his esquire took his shield it shimmered as if it were bedewed with drops of rain, that were indeed a thousand studs of crystal.而当他的随从接过他的盾牌时,它像被雨滴润湿了一般微微闪光,但实际上那是上千颗水晶的饰钉。

2.At The Esquire, she'd locked the door to the bathroom, then pinned him against it.在伊斯凯尔,他锁上了洗手间的门,然后把她按在墙上。

3.A few years later, Michael Herr pubpshed Dispatches, his collection of reports from Vietnam, written for Esquire.几年后,迈克尔黑尔出版了《派遣》这本书,收录了他为《绅士》(Esquire)杂志而写的越南的战事报告。

4.Gary told Esquire magazine: "I've been working, bringing up two boys. I just made a decision: am I gonna be a dad that's always away? "Gary告诉Esquire杂志:“我一直在工作,抚养两个儿子,我曾下过决心:难道我要做一个总是不在他们身旁的爸爸吗?”

5.I got a bottle sent to me at Esquire a few weeks ago.几周前,我在Esquire收到了一瓶。

6.She was embarrassed when her son Ron wrote a screed against George W. Bush in Esquire in 2004, and she called Barbara Bush to apologize.她的儿子罗恩2004年曾经在Esquire上发表反对乔治布什的文章,对此她十分尴尬,为此她打电话向芭芭拉布什道歉。

7.Back in 1969, Esquire magazine put this picture on the cover of their magazine.1969年的《时尚先生》杂志采用了这幅图片做封面。

8.Stephen Burks is featured in a multi-page spread in the upcoming September Esquire magazine.斯蒂芬的特色伯克斯是在即将到来的九月君子杂志多页的蔓延。

9.It's a point echoed in "Mr. Gore, Your Solution to Global Warming is Wrong, " a feature in the current issue of Esquire magazine.这跟《绅士》杂志上最近发表的一篇文章的观点遥相呼应---“戈尔先生,你解决全球变暖问题的方法是不对的”。

10.Esquire fashion director Catherine Hayward said, "Powerful men know how to dress themselves and often stick to a uniform. "《君子》时装总监凯瑟琳·海沃德说,强人知道如何打扮自己,而且能坚持自己的风格。