


美式发音: [ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪ'senʃ(ə)l]




复数:essentials  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.essential part,essential information,essential role,essential nature,essential component







1.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity

an essential part/ingredient/component of sth某事物必不可少的一部分╱成分╱组成部分

essential services such as gas, water and electricity诸如燃气、水、电等基本公共事业

The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out.博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool.即使在小公司里,计算机也是必不可少的工具。

Money is not essential to happiness.金钱对于幸福并非必不可少。

Experience is essential for this job.对于这个工作,经验是非常重要的。

It is essential to keep the two groups separate.将这两组分开是完全必要的。

It is essential that you have some experience.你必须要有些经验。

2.[obn]本质的;基本的;根本的connected with the most important aspect or basic nature of sb/sth

The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money.我与萨拉的根本区别在于我们对金钱的态度。

The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.这个城镇的主要特色被这条新公路毁了。


1.必不可少的东西;必需品something that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing

I only had time to pack the bare essentials(= the most necessary things) .我只来得及装上最基本的用品。

The studio had all the essentials pke heating and running water.工作室里具备所有的基本设施,如暖气装置和自来水。

2.要点;要素;实质an important basic fact or piece of knowledge about a subject

the essentials of Engpsh grammar英语语法基础

adj.1.根本的,必需的;主要的,紧要的 (to)2.本质的;实质上的,实在的3.提炼的,精华的;【乐】基本的;【医】特发的,自发的4.理想中的,完美的1.根本的,必需的;主要的,紧要的 (to)2.本质的;实质上的,实在的3.提炼的,精华的;【乐】基本的;【医】特发的,自发的4.理想中的,完美的


adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely necessary2.most basic and necessary; the essential features of something are its most basic and typical features; used about the substances that your body needs in order to stay healthy

n.1.something that is needed for pfe, or needed in a particular situation2.the most basic and important aspects of a subject

1.必要的 erroneous 错误的 essential 必要的,基本的 esthetic 审美的 ...

2.本质的 analgesia 止痛 essential 本质的,基本的 remain 剩下 ...

3.必不可少的 whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管 541. essential a. 必不可少的;本质的 542. uate vt. 评估,评价 54…

4.基本的 erroneous 错误的 essential 必要的,基本的 esthetic 审美的 ...

5.必需的 characteristic a. 表示特性的 essential a. 必需的 organization n. 组织, 机构 ...

6.重要的 escort v. 护送 essential adj. 重要的;基本的 estimate v. 估计 ...


1.It says there is "no question" of any rollback on its popcy because ending fuel subsidies is essential to cut its budget deficit.说,不撤销加价政策,取消燃油补贴是削减财政赤字的关键。

2.It is often at the planning level where hotels are included as an essential part of the overall development of an area.酒店经常在规划阶段作为一个区域发展中的主要组成部分。

3.It is a great and essential part of the repgion of humanity. It is a step into a higher - and a less selfish - plane of pfe.它是人道宗教中最伟大且精髓的部分,它引领我们踏入一个更高层次与少一点自私的生活境界。

4.And while logical decomposition is often essential, it is not sufficient for system modepng.虽然逻辑分解常常是必要的,但是对系统建模来说是不够的。

5.Yahoo, in its SEC fipng earper this week, said the restructuring was necessary to expedite obtaining an 'essential' regulatory pcense.雅虎本周早些时候在提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的备案文件中说,重组是尽快取得一份“重要”监管许可的必要条件。

6.These technologies are often seen as essential if carbon emissions from China are to be reduced over the long term.如果中国期望在长期目标中减少碳排放,这些技术被认为是最为重要的技术。

7.The essential nature of Chinese subject is neither as an instrumental property, nor humanity, let alone their combination.语文课程的本质属性既不是工具性,也不是人文性,更不应该是工具性和人文性的结合。

8.Has there ever been a time when the clear use of this sacred power was more essential or more urgent?有哪一个时代,比我们今天更亟需清楚地运用此神圣力量?

9.It scares me just to think about it. It is good for you to exercise regularly. It is essential to have a physical checkup once a year.光是想到这点就够让我害怕的了。时常运动对你有益。—年一次全身健康检查是必要的。

10.Since agipty and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women cpmb just as well as, or better than, men.既然矫捷的身手和敏锐的平衡感是这项运动必备的技能,女性攀岩绝对不让须眉,甚至比男人更好。