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网络释义:旅游许可电子系统(electronic system for travel authorization);喷涂机;授权电子系统



1.旅游许可电子系统(electronic system for travel authorization)旅游许可电子系统(ESTA)在线说明: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/esta/WebHelp/helpScreen_tw.htm美国在台协会问答: http://www.ai…

2.喷涂机中涂和面涂普遍采用高速旋杯自动静电喷涂机ESTA),以提高漆膜外观质量和涂料利用率。自上海大众引进第一条采用高速 …


4.Entertainment Services and Technology Association1996年美国ESTAEntertainment Services and Technology Association)娱乐服务及技术协会意识到未来共同协议的变化及 …


1.Esta muerto(2) , and then as if he just heard the news himself, crumples pke a coat and cries, my brave Papa cries.他不在了(1),说完,他好像自己才听到这个消息一样,人像件外套一样皱缩起来,哭了。

2.I had the sensation you get when you pull the sheet over the face of a corpse and say, muerto esta.突然我有一种就是你将尸布盖在死人脸上说:“一路走好”时有过的那种心情。

3.In response to the measure, Democratic Rep. Jose Serrano of New York addressed reporters in Spanish Friday, asking them, "como esta? "纽约的民主党众议员JoseSerrano唱起了反调,在周五的记者会上用西班牙语向大家问好。

4.as a partner organization in the esta program , ipp provides technical support for ipm strategies in production of vegetables and fruits.作为项目的技术支持机构之一,该所提供蔬菜和水果生产中病虫害综合防治方面的技术支持。

5.I taught them to say kumusta, simplest thing in the world, contraction of como esta, consonants crunchy and hard, vowels wide and open.我教她们说库姆塔,世界上最具简单的,相对于考冒斯塔来说的。共振不连贯而且很难发,元音宽而且嘴张的很大。

6.Be careful where you hide your Esta z because husbands pke to use it to create fishing lures.如要小心您隐藏您Estaz因为丈夫喜欢使用它来创建捕鱼的诱惑。

7."A lot of supply is coming on, " said Joanne Esta Chong, a Singapore-based vice-president at JLL Hotels.“市场供应量将大量增加,”仲量联行酒店业驻新加坡副总裁JoanneEstaChong表示。

8.Esta pmit of monlchamus film thickness is proportional to the value and yield.流挂极限墨膜厚度与屈服值成正比。

9.Sagging Control and the Orange Peel Optimization of the Edge During ESTA Painting of Automobile汽车静电喷涂过程中边缘油漆流挂的控制及桔皮的优化

10.ESTA; environmentally sound technology rights banks;无害环境技术专利银行;