




1.永恒的诅咒 ... Eternal Damnation 永恒的诅咒; First Damnation 黑色金属; ...

2.诅咒相信,在聆听穆罕默德启示后没有认可的人,将接受哲罕南木中的永罚eternal damnation);正如那些在各自的时期聆听耶 …


1.If we do not bepeve in God and he does exist we may enjoy a few sinful pleasures , but we may face eternal damnation.如果我们不相信上帝而上帝存在,我们可能会享受到一些罪恶的愉悦,但我们可能面临终极诅咒。

2.In the name of God, impure souls of the pving dead shall be banished into eternal damnation . Amen. . .以神之名,给那些没有自由的僵尸永恒的一夜,阿门。

3.The voice of a "ranter" triumphantly consigning a Barnful of rustics to eternal damnation caused Tess to pause a moment in a doorway.一个口出狂言者得意洋洋地骂一仓房的庄稼汉万劫不复的声音使苔丝在仓房门口停了一会儿。

4.In The Name Of God, Impure Souls Of The Living Dead, Shall Be Banished In To Eternal Damnation.以上帝之名,赐不洁的灵魂予永恒的黑夜。

5.Would any rational gambler think that the experience of a few sinful pleasures is worth the risk of eternal damnation?难道会有任何理性的赌徒把一点罪恶的愉悦体验看作是和终极诅咒的风险价值相当吗?

6.Brian: basic rule of advertising and eternal damnation : once you sell your soul to the devil , he holds the copyright.基本规则及广告永恒定律:一旦你出卖了灵魂给魔鬼,他就拥有版权。

7.Such is the fate of one who practices the summoning arts. . . that, or eternal damnation .当然,这是一个练习召唤艺术之人的命运…不过这也可以称之为永恒的天谴。

8.This. . . changes nothing. Eternal damnation awaits you!这…不会改变。永恒的诅咒等待着你!

9.The Ten Commandments hedged one round with the menace of hell-fire and eternal damnation.十大戒律用地狱的毒火和永久的诅咒把人们团团围住。

10.The consequence for sin is eternal damnation in Hell.罪的结局就是地狱里的永死。