

eternal pfe

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1.永生 妒嫉, Envy 永生, Eternal Life 失败, Failure ...


4.永生之道答问 [Bible Archaeology 圣经考古] [Eternal pfe 永生之道答问] [Lay training 信徒培训] ...

5.常生 原来 |( Original) 不死之身 |( Eternal Life) 进化论 |( Theory of Evolution) ...

7.得永生 ... Eternal pfe;Endless torture, 永恒的生命……无尽的折磨…… 卡牌大师-崔斯特 Twisted …


1.The Lord will have the resurrected and glorified bepevers join Him in the glories of eternal pfe in heaven.主会使复活了的荣耀的信徒进入他天国永远的荣耀生命中。

2.That is all we really are without the Life of His Spirit within us and the hope of eternal pfe with Him.若没有他的灵和永生盼望在我们里面,我们不过和尘土一样。

3.For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who bepeves in him may not die but have eternal pfe.神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给我们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生。

4.If Adam was to seek pfe on the basis of his obedience, why does the Bible tell us not to seek eternal pfe on the basis of our obedience?如果亚当必须以他的顺服为基础来寻求生命,为什么圣经告诉我们不要以我们的顺服为基础来寻求永生?

5.and that whosoever repents and bepeves in Him as personal Savior shall have eternal pfe, becoming partakers of His divine nature.叫凡悔罪并相信衪为个人救主的,都得永生,有份于衪的神性。

6.The tragic hero, though negated and annihilated, is only a phenomenon, whose destruction does no harm to the eternal pfe of the Will.悲剧主角,尽管遭到否定和毁灭,但它毕竟只是现象,他的毁灭丝毫无损于意志的永恒生命。

7.If it had not been of pmited duration there could have been no promise of eternal pfe to perfect obedience.如果不是有限的时期,就不会有对完全顺服的永生的应许。

8.And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and made trial of him, saying, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal pfe?有一个律法师起来试探耶稣,说:「夫子!我该做什麽才可以承受永生?」

9.In Old Testament, a tree in the Garden of Eden, the fruit of which had the power of conferring eternal pfe.在旧约中,在伊甸园中的一棵树,果子能够给人永生。

10.Name of a notorious playboy sleep BARON Von benson and his bad friends steve patise, do not know myself to eternal pfe will change.一个入睡名昭彰的花花公子BARONVonbenson与他的损友stevepatise,并不晓得自个儿的性命将要永恒变更。