




1.乙太体看著乙太体Etheric)的在  湿婆说:「仁慈的大为(Devi),进入‘乙太体’的在,到处蔓延著你的外形。」   这个方法只有在做 …

2.以太体看着以太体Etheric)的在   湿婆说:「仁慈的大为(Devi),进入‘以太体’的在,到处蔓延着你的外形。」 半透明的在   以充满 …

3.乙太光体是以乙太光体(etheric)及五度空间的型态所组成,我们住在Telos的人、 和您/们的光体, 都可以随时进入这座圣殿。

4.灵妙体的中吸引别人,而这个吸引将不仅是身体的,这个吸引也将是灵妙体的etheric)。已投稿到: 排行榜 圈子 前一篇:让过去死掉 …



1.Therefore you know and understand that we of the etheric inter- dimensional forces work directly with the Light, with Jesus and with God.因此你们知道和理解我们以太内在维度力量直接与光一同运转,而且与上帝,耶稣同在。

2.Or pstening to talk radio I get a sense of something etheric being sealed off around the programme.或者听谈话广播的时候,我感到某种微妙的被从周围的节目中封离的感觉。

3.When you project in real time, you are just a point of consciousness with a poorly constructed etheric shell surrounding it.当你实时投射时,你只是一个由以太躯壳所围绕的意识点。

4.The elements that hold etheric do not know how to properly hold form to sustain the pfespan, health and well-being.持有以太的元素并不懂如何正确保持身体来维系寿命、健康和安宁。

5.The sun will also burn off the etheric pus that accumulates in the process of ascension allowing one to feel rejuvenated.太阳也会燃烧掉在提升过程中积聚的以太脓液,让你感到精神振作。

6.If you cannot get outdoors, try sending your etheric body for a walk in the woods at night while you sit by the fire or in a bath.如果你不能出门,尝试将你的以太身体送到树林中去散个步,当你晚上坐在火炉边或躺在浴缸里的时候。

7.Such blasts of energy also tore up the human species in the etheric, which yet again experienced another subsequent fall in consciousness.这些能量的强烈冲击波也撕裂了人类物种的以太,再次体验了另一种意识下跌。

8.This type of attachment generally causes pain in the etheric body when it is up to be released in any great amount.这种连接的类型当它累计到需被大量解除时,通常导致以太身体的疼痛。

9.Ascension grid work surrounds the grid work of the etheric body, subtle bodies, chakras and auric field of any human that chooses to ascend.提升晶格层包围在任何选择提升者之以太体的晶格层、精微体、脉轮及金场周围。

10.Dreams are an etheric possibipty that arises as a movie or script that catches upon the field rotation of your energy flow.梦想是当你能量场转动时所捕获的一个以太可能。