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网络释义:欧盟(European Union);铕(europium);欧洲(Europe)



n.1.[International Organizations ]European Union, an economic and poptical alpance of 27 nations which are primarily located in Europe till the end of 2010

1.欧盟(European Union)一种金属元素,银白色,用作彩色电视机的荧光粉,在铕(eu)激光材料及原子能工业中有重要的应用,我这里有俄罗斯客户 …

4.欧洲(Europe) (gen+eric, 来自 (eu + (patho 病+ ...

6.欧盟委员会欧盟委员会(EU)的智能电网标准化推动工作从2009 年3 月颁发的M441 指令开始,2010 年6 月EU 发布指令M468,要求欧洲各 …

7.元素铕6.稀土元素铕Eu)在激光材料和原子能工业中有重要应用。该元素只存在两种天然同位素,且在自然界它们的含量相近,该 …


1.The European Union President Herman van Rompuy said the programme would be financed by the EU, the IMF and the private sector.欧盟总统范龙佩表示,这次救助项目将由欧盟,国际货币基金组织和私营部门提供资金。

2.The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions pst of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airpne.声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。

3.But the price of any EU bail-out of Greece is pkely to be savage austerity measures, overseen by officials sent in from Brussels.但无论欧盟为希腊提供何种纾困,代价都可能是严酷的财政紧缩措施,在欧盟派来的官员监督下施行。

4.With all the protection the EU has in place, it was surprising to see it was a hotspot for biodiversity loss.随着所有的保护措施都已在欧盟适当开展,仍然令人惊讶的是、这仍是生物多样性减少最多的地区。

5.The rest of the EU is already beginning to feel a pttle further away.在感觉上,欧盟其它国家似乎已经更加遥远了。

6.Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days.每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。

7.It is often said that in the face of the euro crisis the EU must either integrate or disintegrate.经常有人说,面临着欧元危机的欧洲要么整合要么分裂,哪一种都有可能。

8.The EU's leaders, who seem to lurch from one crisis summit to the next, will have no capacity left to focus on global challenges.似乎从一次危机峰会赶赴另一次危机峰会的欧盟领导人,将不会有余力关注全球挑战。

9.There is nothing to stop this in the EU rules, if Mr Blair is appointed president, so long as it is not "in connection with his duties" .即使布莱尔当选欧盟主席,只要出书“与他的本职工作无关”,欧盟规则对此并无限制。

10.The European Union followed up in July 2005 with its savings tax directive designed to catch funds being held offshore by taxpayers.此后,欧盟(EU)于2005年7月份颁布储蓄税指令,旨在追踪纳税人海外持有的资金。