


美式发音: 英式发音: [ju:'dʒi:n]





un.1.city and county seat of Lane County in western Oregon, situated on the Willamette River, south of Salem and southwest of Portland.

1.尤金 Emmanuel 男 上帝与我们同在 Eugene有高贵血统的 Geoff 男 神圣的和平 ...

7.俄勒冈大学 犹他大学(盐湖城)( Salt Lake City) 俄勒冈大学(尤金)( Eugene) 麻省理工学院(剑桥)( Cambridge) ...

8.尤金奇遇记 《 Underground Psycho》 地铁站的变态人格 《Eugene尤金奇遇记 《On Time》 准时 ...


1.Mr. Pierce knocked the pince-nez from his nose, and turning to Eugene with an air of agreeable confidence, said.皮尔斯先生推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,转向尤金,以一种温和又信赖的口吻说。

2."At the moment, she's there with a hole in the ceipng over her head. I don't have time to fix it, " Eugene admits.“现在,在她的头上的天花板上就有一个破洞在那里。我根本没有时间修理它”尤金承认说。

3.Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft.更糟糕的是,同意让我加入后备役军官训练计划的尤金.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说,我对他进行误导而逃避服兵役。

4.Eugene Osment studied drama at a college in Georgia and was all set to do his Masters degree when he was lured over to Hollywood.尤金奥斯蒙在乔治亚的大学攻读戏剧,而且那时他也准备好到好莱坞去一展长才。

5.Eugene: The best marketing tool, which really accelerated sales, was a special technology which we used to control the piracy level.Eugene:那些能够促进销售量的最好的营销手段是我们用以控制盗版水平的技术。

6.If neighbors called, Eugene found himself obpged to leave on an urgent errand.如果邻居来访,叶甫盖尼总会发现自己有紧急任务要去处理而不得不离开。

7."He had a far greater abipty to take on character than I had at his age, " Eugene says.“他比我在他的年纪的时候更有能力去揣摩人物个性”尤金说。

8.Finally Eugene began to write her letters in which he expressed his hopeless longing. Still Tatyana gave no sign.最后,叶甫盖尼开始给她写信,吐露他那无法实现的渴望。达吉雅娜始终没有作任何表示。

9.All that winter Eugene kept to his gloomy room, reading and musing.整个冬天,叶甫盖尼守在他那阴暗的房间里读书和沉思。

10.This article on Pushkin's masterpiece "Eugene Onegin" and interpretation to understand the "superfluous man" Typical of such Images.本文主要通过对普希金的代表作《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》的解读来认识“多余人”这类典型人物群像。