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1.尤金妮 eternity ring 无窃戒指 Eugenie 皇后宝钻 European cut diamond 欧洲琢型钻 …

5.欧也妮属法王拿破仑三世(Napoleaon III)妻子尤金妮雅皇后Eugenie)所有的美丽翡翠头冠,今天在苏富比拍卖会,由匿名买家 …


1.Eugenie turned her head aside, for her high sense of honour reproached her.欧珍妮转过头去,良心在责备她。

2.Just then a hollow groan, more desolate than all that had preceded it, came from the attics and made Eugenie and her mother shudder.这时顶楼上传来一声格外凄惨的悲啼,把尤金妮亚和她的母亲吓呆了。

3.In the middle of the night Eugenie, whose thought were all for her cousin, thought she heard the groan of a dying man.半夜里,一心想着堂兄弟的欧也妮,似乎听见一个快要死去的人在那里呻吟。

4.Eugenie Clark was one of the first researchers to take the plunge with whale sharks.欧也妮·克拉克是首批冒险研究鲸鲨的科学家之一。

5.Perhaps the chief reason why he enjoyed his first year in London so much was because Eugenie was here.或许他喜欢自己在伦敦的第一年主要原因在于尤金妮娅在这里。

6.Eugenie and her mother drew their chairs forward and sat near him, by the fire.欧也妮和母亲端了两张椅子在壁炉前面,坐在他旁边。

7.Vincent's landlady in Brixton, Mrs Loyer had a daughter Eugenie who was 19, a year younger than Vincent.文森特的女房东太太在布里克斯顿,劳尔夫人有一个19岁的女儿尤金妮娅,比文森特要年轻一点。

8.This was the emotion that Eugenie felt when she had read that horrible letter.这便是欧也妮读了这封残酷的信以后的心情。

9.He said Beatrice, 22, and her sister Eugenie, 21, looked 'gorgeous and beautiful' at their cousin's high-profile nuptials.他说22岁的巴翠斯和她21岁的妹妹尤金妮娅在他们堂哥高调的婚礼上看起来“华丽炫目、美丽动人”。

10.On a day of high fashion, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie certainly didn't let the side down with their choice of designers.在这个时尚的盛会上,碧翠丝公主和尤珍妮公主在设计师的选择上当然没有让大家失望。