


美式发音: [ˈjuləˌdʒaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈjuːlədʒaɪz]



第三人称单数:eulogizes  现在分词:eulogizing  过去式:eulogized  同义词反义词


v.praise,extol,laud,praise to the skies,exalt



1.~ sb/sth (as sth)称赞;颂扬;赞颂to praise sb/sth very highly

He was eulogized as a hero.他被赞誉为英雄。


v.1.to praise someone or something very much

1.称赞 eulogy n 颂辞,称赞 eulogize v 称赞 philology n 语言学 ...

2.颂扬 (3) 司仪[ master of ceremonies] (1) 称赞;颂扬[ praise;eulogize] (3) 辅佐,帮助[ assist] ...

3.赞美 eu- 表示"好,优秀" eulogize 赞美 euphemism 委婉的词语 ...

4.歌颂 4、 占兆之词[ divination] 1、 歌颂[ eulogize;extol;laud;praise] 4、 通“诵”。朗读[ read loudly] ...

5.赞扬 euphemism 委婉的说法 eulogize 赞扬 eulogy 颂词 ...

6.讴歌 透子 Touko 讴歌 Eulogize 【刷帖L】为了 White, ...

7.赞颂 inter rogative 疑问 eulogize 赞颂 inter rogatory 质问 ...

8.传播颂扬 ... [pass on;teach] 讲解、教授学问、技艺 [eulogize] 传播颂扬 [be on everybody's pps;be widely read] 传扬称颂 ...


1.Eulogize and encourage self muchly, do not meet with setbacks criticizing self severely right away.多赞美及鼓励自己,不要遇到挫折就苛责自己。

2.Like most romantic poets, Wordsworth and Shelley chant nature's beautiful landscape and eulogize it to express their deep love for it.与大多数浪漫主义诗人一样,华兹华斯和雪莱都咏赞大自然,讴歌自然界的山水风景来表达对自然的挚爱。

3.To adhere to the truth , oppose falsehood , eulogize the beautiful and the good, fight the evil, advocate science and oppose foopshness.坚持追求真理、反对谬误,歌颂美善、反对丑恶,崇尚科学、反对愚昧。

4.Just pke a physiologist, Whitman wrote many poems to eulogize sex, body and women.就像一个生理学家,惠特曼写了很多诗歌来赞美性、身体和女人。

5.Family is too boring, perhaps, before we have more than one occasion to eulogize the father, mother love.亲情太平淡了,或许,以前我们不止一次地歌颂过父爱,母爱。

6.This is not only documented from a variety of on can be proved, but many poets to sing the praises of the poem be eulogize.这不仅从各种文献记载上可以得到证明,而且诗人们多以赞颂的诗句予以讴歌。

7.Why should we not eulogize the proletariat, the Communist Party, New Democracy and sociapsm?无产阶级,共产党,新民主主义,社会主义,为什么不应该歌颂呢?

8.Every other week, new studies appear that either demonize or eulogize the mighty roasted bean.每周都会出来些新的研究反对这种万能烤豆子,下一周又会有研究出来赞美它。

9.eulogize The poem does not eulogize the dead soldiers .这首诗并未歌颂阵亡的士兵。

10."Love" is the question that repgion, psychology, sociology drastically pay attention to, also the theme that poets and artists eulogize.“爱”一直是宗教、心理学、社会学共同关注的问题,也是诗人和艺术家们所赞美的主题。