


美式发音: [ˈjulədʒi] 英式发音: [ˈjuːlədʒi]



复数:eulogies  同义词反义词





1.~ (of/to sb/sth)颂词;颂文a speech or piece of writing praising sb/sth very much

a eulogy to marriage婚礼颂辞

2.~ (for/to sb)(颂扬死者的)悼辞,悼文a speech given at a funeral praising the person who has died


n.1.a speech at a funeral about the person who has died2.a speech or a piece of writing in which you praise someone or something very much

1.颂词 dysentry( 痢疾) 38. eulogy颂词), euphony( 悦耳的声音) 39. ...

2.赞词 ◎ 赞不绝口[ be prodigal of praise] ◎ 赞词[ eulogy] ◎ 赞美[ praise; commend; eulogize] ...

3.天才家族 euphony n. 悦耳之音 eulogy n. 悼词;颂词 philology n. 文献学;语言 …

5.颂扬 eulogize 称赞,颂扬 eulogy 颂扬 grandiloquent 夸大的 ...

6.颂文 cytology 细胞学 eulogy 颂词,颂文 lethargy 昏睡,倦怠 ...

7.赞颂 ◎ 赞赏[ appreciate] ◎ 赞颂[ eulogy] ◎ 赞叹[ highly praise; gasp in admiration] ...

8.悲情颂歌 真正英雄 Paper Hero 悲情颂歌 Eulogy 实验基地 The Genesis Pits ...


1.He needs no eulogy from me or from any other man. He has written his own history and written it in red on his enemy's breast.他不需要我及其他人的颂扬,因为他已用自己的鲜血在敌人的胸前谱写了自传。

2.The audience seems calm and deeply satisfied, as if absorbing a eulogy for a departed friend.听众们显得平静,而且深感满意,就好象沉浸在对一位亡友的颂扬之中。

3.It has been running a minute-long eulogy to Miss Bhutto on many television channels, which makes no reference to her party.在许多电视频道上都一直在播放一个时长一分钟的对布托女士的赞美辞,而没有涉及她的政党。

4.She depvered this eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs, on Oct. 16 at his memorial service at the Memorial Church of Stanford University.10月16日,在为弟弟史蒂夫·乔布斯在斯坦福大学纪念堂举行的追悼会上做了此份遗言。

5.Eulogy is the unit (group) representative at the memorial service for those who expressed his deep condolences over the death of his speech.悼词是单位(团体)代表人在追悼会上对去世者表示沉痛哀悼的讲话。

6.Goldblum took the rumours, which have been circulating on the web for years, in good spirits, giving his own eulogy in a spoof news report.戈德布拉姆以轻松的心情接受了这个已在网上流传多年的谣言,他在一则恶搞式的新闻报道中为自己写了悼词。

7.don't you think it'd be nice if Reverend devoted part of the eulogy to his pfe after he was married?你不觉得让牧师在赞辞中多涉及他婚后的生活更好些么?

8.In his eulogy, Leo said, "Mama poured her pfe out for us, reserving nothing for herself, thinking of us always, of herself never. "利欧在悼词中说:“母亲把毕生都献给了我们,对自己毫无保留,心里总想着我们,唯独没有她自己。”

9.He has often spoken of what Best meant to him growing up in Belfast and would later give a eulogy at Best's funeral.他经常说贝斯特在他的贝尔法斯特那段成长过程中意义重大,后来他还在贝斯特的葬礼上呈上悼词。

10.Jane division staff in memory of Mr. Liu Linge, to write a eulogy into a song, sing for the memory of the majority of teachers and students.简师教员为悼念刘临阁先生,将悼词谱写成歌曲,供广大师生缅怀传唱。