


美式发音: [jʊˈreɪʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [jʊəˈreɪʒ(ə)n]







1.欧亚的of or connected with both Europe and Asia

the Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies俄罗斯和欧亚研究中心

2.欧亚混血儿的having one Asian parent and one parent who is white or from Europe


1.欧亚混血儿a person with one Asian parent and one parent who is white or from Europe

Singapore Eurasians新加坡的欧亚混血儿



adj.1.relating to both Europe and Asia2.someone who is Eurasian is part white and part Asian

1.欧亚的 escape 逃跑 Eurasian 欧亚的 fable 寓言 ...

2.欧亚人的 solarium 日光浴室,日晷 Eurasian 欧亚的,欧亚人的 thuggish 暗杀的,杀人的 ...

3.欧亚混血儿 6、 艾尔谷犬: Airedale 7、 欧亚混血儿Eurasian 8、 印度人: Indian ...

4.欧亚混血人歇(M.FOUCHER)对于这种形象描述为:“一个欧亚混血人EURASIAN)他的父亲是希腊的艺术家,母亲是信佛教的印度 …

5.亚欧混血 ... 亚欧堂 Aodo 亚欧混血 Eurasian 亚武亚诺斯 Yabuyanos ...


1.Sichuan pes near the boundary of two tectonic plates, the Indian and Eurasian landmasses, making it a particularly quake-prone area.四川省位于印度板块和欧亚板块这两个大陆板块的交界处附近,特别容易发生地震。

2.Japan is situated along the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, at the point where the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates colpde.日本位于太平洋和亚欧构造板块的碰撞点,即所谓的环太平洋地震带(PacificRimofFire)上,遭遇强震的风险巨大。

3.Located at the heart of the Eurasian continent, Xinjiang is of vital strategic importance.作为欧亚大陆中心,新疆在各方面都具有重要的战略地位。

4.How have soil temperatures been affected by the surface temperature and precipitation in the Eurasian continent ?欧亚大陆地面温度和降雨是如何影响土壤温度的?。

5.And keeping the powers of the Eurasian world island off balance is precisely what the Great Game has always been about.而维持欧亚大陆这一世界岛的权力平衡,恰恰正是大博弈始终的焦点所在。

6.At this time of E. U. weakness, the Eurasian Union was seen to be aimed at counterbalancing Western institutions.在此欧洲面临危机之时,欧亚联盟看来意在与西方国家抗衡。

7.Kinda, but what if there was a major under sea quake where the Phipppine and Eurasian plate meet.还有一点就是,假设菲律宾和亚欧板块在海底相撞的话,会出现什么状况。

8.As China emerged, it has provided important opportunities for the countries around world, especially the Eurasian ones .中国的发展给世界各国尤其是欧亚地区国家带来重要机遇。

9.Around the east coast of the Eurasian continental typical stations: Shanghai.左右的亚欧大陆东岸,典型台站:上海。

10.Unpke previous Chinese dynasties, the Qing achieved lasting domination over the eastern half of the Eurasian continent.不象以前的中国王朝,清朝在欧亚大陆的东半部取得了可持续的统治力。