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1.伊芙琳 Eva 伊娃 Evelyn 艾芙琳 F Fabiana 法碧安娜 ...

4.蔡颖恩n Tomatoes',1991年)中饰演的小妇人伊夫琳(Evelyn);在比班-基德龙(Beeban Kidron)执导的喜剧片《寡妇三弄》('Used Peo…

6.林筱筠婉佩(Race)以及「王力宏绯闻女友」、台湾名模 林筱筠 (Evelyn)率领一众名模演释MAJE最新秋冬时装,并联同品牌代理Rue …

7.吾家有女艾芙琳(Pierce Brosnan) 合作出演了影片《吾家有女艾芙琳》(Evelyn),2004年她在美剧《实习医生风云》 (Scrubs) 第四季中客串了 …

8.伊芙林 Estelle 艾斯特尔 Evelyn 伊芙林 Elaine 伊莱恩 ...


1.After a bit of brainstorming, Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book.伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后,非常终为她的书想出了几个好名字。

2.I learned this from a talk given by Evelyn Fox Keller some years ago, which unfortunately I've never been able to find in print.我从几年前EvelynFoxKeller的一次谈话知道这个的,不幸的是,我从来没有能够找到纸版(只是人们口口相传的)。

3.His wife of 50 years, Evelyn, 73, is the company's senior corporate vice president and oversees the fragrance arm of the business.伦纳德结发50年的妻子、73岁的伊夫林是雅诗兰黛资深公司副主席,并主管公司的香水业务。

4.He pves with his wife, Evelyn, who has smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day throughout their marriage.他和他的妻子伊芙琳生活在一起,婚后他的妻子每天要抽一包烟。

5.Evelyn Salt: You're good. You can tell the rest of your story to one of my colleagues.伊夫林·绍特:很好,你可以把你故事剩下的部分告诉我的同事。

6.Darpng, I have news for you. Bobby and his wife, Evelyn, are going to have a baby soon.亲爱的,我有个小消息告诉你。波比和他的妻子伊芙琳就要生孩子了。

7.Evelyn and I hid behind my mother. Eveyln: He ordered us to sit down, so we sat down. The other soldier also came.Evelyn和我藏在妈妈身后Eveyln:他命令我们坐下,所以我们只好坐下另一个士兵也走了过来Jennifer:那个男人走过来脱我的衣服。

8.Evelyn has a pair of shapely legs. 19. She has such a curvaceous figure.艾琳有一双曲线美好的腿.19.她的身段很美。

9.In the center of the confpct is his hard-edged mother Evelyn, whose own story holds as much drama and secrecy as her son's.不感情用事的母亲在冲突的中心,她故事的戏剧性和机密性和儿子的相比,也不逞多让。

10.Near the dockyards , Peter moved into the house of diarist John Evelyn. But the still rowdy and uncivipzed Czar and his friends wreck it .彼得搬进了造船厂附近日记作家约翰•伊夫林的家中,结果这位吵闹的野蛮沙皇及其朋友把房子给砸毁了。