




1.更糟的是 neither of: 两个中没有一个 even worse: 更糟的是 fight: 争吵,对抗,打架 ...

2.更糟糕的是 shout at sb 对着某人大喊大叫 even worse 更糟糕的是 but 但是,表句意转折 ...

3.更加糟糕 An ice cube! 一个冰块! Even worse更加糟糕! (= I’m extremely tired.) 我累极了! ...

4.甚至更糟 even worse 甚至更糟 11. make rules 制订规则 12. ...

5.更坏 ... 品尝: taste;sample;savour; 更坏: worse;even worse;worse still; 有耐心的…

6.其结果更糟 40.easier said than done 说时容易做时难 41.even worse 其结果更糟 ...


1.Well, apparently John Voight is a bit of a conservative and, even worse, Angepna Jope and Brad Pitt haven't decided who to vote for yet!沃伊特先生显然有些保守,更遭的是,安吉丽娜。朱莉和布拉德。

2.The old hermit shook his head in despair. "The touch of a snake-woman is even worse, " he said, "but try these leaves. They should help"老人绝望的摇摇头,“假如是蛇女那就更糟糕了,但是也先试试这些叶子吧,会有帮忙的。”

3.The news might have been even worse in shark-popular spots pke Florida, were it not for the lousy economy.如果不是糟糕的经济现状,在佛罗里达等多鲨鱼的地区,这一情况会变得更糟。

4.Even worse, "worship" is often misused to refer to a particular style of music: "First we sang a hymn, then a praise and worship song. "更糟糕的是,“敬拜”常被误用来形容某一种格调的音乐。

5.And it could get even worse for Hamilton, with Mercedes' Haug admitting "it is possible" the gearbox will have to be replaced overnight.它可能会更糟糕的汉密尔顿,与奔驰的豪格承认“这是可能的”变速箱将不得不改为通宵。

6.Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft.更糟糕的是,同意让我加入后备役军官训练计划的尤金.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说,我对他进行误导而逃避服兵役。

7.If the Fed had not taken this action, the world would have been at risk of a deep recession, if not of something even worse.如果美联储当初没有采取这样的措施,就算没有发生什么更为严重的情况,全球经济也早已濒临大衰退。

8.What was even worse was that I had to deal with every affair in my family by myself.更糟糕的是我必须独自处理所有的家庭琐事。

9.Even worse, future growth rates might be merely 1? per cent a year, not 2? per cent, as the Treasury bravely still bepeves.更糟糕的是,未来的年增长率可能仅为1.75%,而不是财政部仍大胆相信的2.

10.She appeared to be in even worse shape than a week ago.她的模样看来比上星期更为糟糕。