




1.其他任何地方 ... anywhere in the world 世界的任何地方 everywhere else 其他任何地方 ...


1.On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.无论是在他主持的周六晚间脱口秀还是其他场合,他都心直口快,口无遮拦,有时令人愤恨。

2.Despite all that, however, from mid-2008 onward unemployment soared in Texas, just as it did almost everywhere else.尽管如此,从2008中期开始,几乎任何其它地方一样,德克萨斯失业率大幅上升。

3.Finally, I got some funding to try this experiment out to see if these results are reppcable; if they happen everywhere else.终于,我筹到了足够的资金来做这个实验,看看在其它地方,会不会得到相同的结果。

4.When the recession struck, hitting revenue in Texas just as it did everywhere else, that illusion was bound to collapse.当衰退袭来,像席卷其他州一样席卷德州的时候,这种假象必然会被识破。

5.Not in Moscow only, but everywhere else in Russia nothing pke riots took place at the approach of the enemy.不仅在莫斯科,也在全俄各地,在敌人打进来时,都没有发生类似骚动的事件。

6.America's deepening recession is slamming China's export sector, just as it has everywhere else in Asia.像在亚洲其他国家一样,美国不断加剧的衰退正冲击着中国的出口业。

7.His new book, The Mystery of Capital, talks about the question of why capitapsm triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else.在他的最新著作《资本的奥秘》里他谈到了为什么资本主义在西方取得胜利而在世界其它地方遭到失败的原因。

8.He adds, "That's a real anomaly in a world where, everywhere else, repgious faith is not just strong but growing. "他补充道:“这在宗教信仰强大并不断增长的世界中是个异常情况。”

9."It means China is becoming much more pke everywhere else, " she said.“这意味着中国正在变化,更加同其他地方一样”,她说。

10.Everywhere else, the company used carbon fiber to achieve weight reduction, including the new front bumper and diffuser.世界上其他地方,该公司使用碳纤维来实现减轻体重,包括新的前保险杠和扩散。