




1.依云 雷帝 LEAD ON 依云 evian 三草两木 SASELOMO ...

2.爱维养 IKEA 宜家 Evian 依云水 Bordeaux 法国葡萄酒(波尔多) ...

5.依云矿泉水置顶:依云矿泉水(evian)的历史 (2011-6-21 15:22:27) [发送到微博] 分类:桶装水  标签:依云 西元 矿物质成份 销往全球 公升 | …

6.法国依云矿泉水法国依云矿泉水Evian)便是一款成功的高价产品,也许特仑苏就是把它当作了学习对象。但依云矿泉水的背后积淀了一段欧 …

7.埃维昂  到埃维昂(Evian),一定要记得去泡个澡,这里的泉水富含矿物质,可以医治泌尿、消化、神经系统和心血管等方面的疾病,是 …

8.法国的依云法国的依云(Evian)、法国富维克天然矿泉水(volvic)、日本森之矿泉水、阿根廷Gota矿泉水评论| zljdz |十六级采纳率37% 擅 …


1.It also banned imports of Evian water, claiming that it had too much bacteria.中国还禁止进口依云(Evian)矿泉水,称其细菌超标。

2.Like a few drops of water when you've been wandering in the desert for days. . . You'd totally suck down the whole gallon of Evian.就像你迷失在沙漠中好几天后的几滴甘露……一加仑的依云矿泉水都会被你全部灌下去的。

3.So he gave me his special Evian Brumisateur filled with Evian natural spring water and sent me to cool off in the French Alps.所以他给了我他的特制依云矿泉水喷雾瓶,里面灌满了依云天然矿泉水并送我到法国的阿尔卑斯山区避暑。

4.President Dmitri Medvedev's speech in Evian, France, last week has been portrayed as a broadside against the United States.俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫上周在法国埃维昂(Evian)发表的演讲被描述成对美国的猛烈抨击。

5.This evian by Issey Miyake bottle will exist in two versions, one of them sold exclusively at Issey Miyake shops.三宅一生此次为依云设计的瓶子有两种版本,其中一种只在三宅一生专营店专售。

6.Like a few drops of wingestedr when you've been wandering in the desert for days. . . You'd to tingly suck down the whole ginglon of Evian.就像你丢失在沙漠中好几天后的几滴甘露……一加仑的依云矿泉水都会被你全部灌下去的。

7.Shortly afterwards Reds team-mate Christian Poulsen moved to another French side, Evian, for an undisclosed fee.不久,红军又将队内的克里斯蒂安•鲍尔森出售到法国的依云俱乐部,但未公布具体的转会费。

8.So we begin lunch at once, with Evian water and a plate of succulent mortadella presented on the house.于是我们决定赶紧用餐,喝着免费依云矿泉水(Evian)以及一盘多汁摩泰台拉香肚(Mortadella)。

9.Between 1990 and the turn of the century, global sales of Evian doubled from 50 bilpon to more than 100 bilpon ptres a year.在1990年和2000年之间,全球依云销售从每年500亿升翻倍到了每年1000亿升。

10.Mmm! Refreshing! So, I may not be on center court pke James Blake, but with the Evian Brumi, I still feel pke a champion.嗯!令人清新!所以,我可能不会像詹姆斯•布雷克一样在中心球场出现,但有了依云矿泉水喷雾,我仍感觉像冠军一样。