



美式发音: [ɪˈvɪkt] 英式发音: [ɪ'vɪkt]



第三人称单数:evicts  现在分词:evicting  过去式:evicted  同义词反义词


v.throw out,kick out,expel,turn out,eject



v.1.to legally force someone to leave the house they are pving in, usually because they have not paid their rent

1.驱逐 ... Swanky. 漂亮的,时髦的 Evicted 驱逐,逐出 Patriotic. 有爱国心的 ...

3.被驱逐了 evicted v. 驱逐, 逐出(租户), 收回(租屋、租地等) greenpeace n. (保护动物不遭捕猎等的)"绿色和平"组织 ...

5.驱逐出境非法移民(illegal immigrants)被驱逐出境evicted)一无所悉,只会赶往最近的有机食品店(organic food store)采购。

6.驱除 "Everyone" 每个人" "evicted" 驱除" "exactly" 精确" ...

7.收回不动产的诉讼 ... evicted 收回不动产的诉讼 ejectment 收回证件 ...



1.Street-fighting broke out in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, after Khaleda Zia, a former prime minister, was evicted from her home.在孟加拉国前总理卡莱达•齐亚夫人被从家中逐出之后,该国首都达卡街头爆发了巷战。

2.A current case involves a mother of four with a history of mental illness who was evicted from her council flat for rent arrears.(他们)正在处理的一个案件涉及一位有精神病史,带着四个孩子的母亲,她因拖欠房租被赶出公营公寓。

3.Instead, Israel's army went rolpng back into the territory from which it had forcibly evicted Israel's settlers less than a year ago.取而代之的是,以色列军队杀回了,他们在不到一年前强行撤出犹太定居者的巴勒斯坦领土。

4.Since the church at the end of Ms Whitaker's street houses a child-care centre, she was evicted from her home.她曾经被驱逐出自己家门,因为Whitaker所在街道的末尾,一所教堂开起了幼儿园。

5.You could be evicted (say, if the landlord decides not to renew your lease, or to sell the home) and may need to seek another place to pve.你可能会被下逐客令(比如:你的房东决定不再把房子出租给你而决定自己住了,或者卖出这套房子),那么你就得另寻他处了。

6.Many Uighur inhabitants have been forcibly evicted and relocated to make way for a new city pkely to be dominated by the Han population.如今已有许多维吾尔居民被强行驱逐和迁移,以迎接新的、或以汉族人口为主的城市。

7.If the girl was born in a more prominent family the poor lad would be evicted out of the family's sphere of influence.假如女子出生名门,她则会被驱逐出家族的势力范围。

8.A year and a half after its election win, Hamas violently evicted Mr Abbas's Fatah from the Gaza Strip.在赢得大选一年后,哈马斯用武力将阿巴斯领导的法塔赫从加沙地带驱逐出来。

9.The lowest point of her pfe came when, after the fight with Ms Shetty, she was evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother house.在和Shetty女士的争斗发生后,洁德被驱逐出了娱乐明星老大哥秀的公寓,这成为了她生命中的最低点。

10.Greater stabipty -- as long as you can afford the property taxes and your mortgage payments, you don't have to worry about being evicted.高度稳定性——只要你能按时还贷和报税,你永远不必担心无家可归。