


美式发音: [ˈevɪdənt] 英式发音: [ˈevɪd(ə)nt]







evident显示所有例句adj.— see alsoself-evident

1.清楚的;显而易见的;显然的clear; easily seen

The orchestra played with evident enjoyment.管弦乐队演奏得兴致勃勃。

It has now become evident to us that a mistake has been made.我们现已清楚知道出了差错。

The growing interest in history is clearly evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses.从参观博物馆和乡村住宅的人数明显看出人们对历史越来越感兴趣。


adj.1.easy to see, notice, or understand

1.明显的 evince v 表明,表示(e出+ evident a 明显的(e出+ (prospect 前景+ ...

2.明白的 completeness n. 完整,圆满;完成,结束 evident a. 明显的,明白的 harmony n. 协调,和谐; …

3.显而易见的 entertainment n. 娱乐 evident a. 清楚的,显而易见的 fare n. (车或船的)费用,票( …

4.昭彰 昭示〖 makecleartoall〗 昭彰〖 flagrant;evident;clear;manifest〗 昭昭〖 bright〗 ...

5.显然的,明显的 evidence n. 证据,征兆 294. evident a. 显然的,明显的 295. evolution n. 发展,进化 296. ...

6.可见一斑 Eventually adv. 最后,终于 Evident adj. 明显的,明白的 Exceed vt. 超过,胜过,超出 ...


1.It seems to me self-evident that popce searches of newspaper offices burden the freedom of the press.警察对报社的搜查给新闻自由造成压力,这在我看来是不言而喻的。

2.One of the most striking examples of the pattern was evident in New Guinea, said the scientists.科学家们说,这种模式最突出的例证之一显然是在新几内亚。

3.In her day Friedel was a striking beauty, and that glamour and grace is still evident today.在弗瑞德尔的生涯里她是一个惹人注目的美人,迷人的诱惑和优雅的举止今天仍旧显露。

4.From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words.这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。

5.With evident regret, this gentleman shared with me that accepting the promotion had been a major mistake.他显然很后悔,他向我倾诉接受这个提升是一个大错误。

6.That tension between the two men has been most evident over the nomination of a successor to Mario Draghi as president of the Bank of Italy.提名一位德拉吉的后继者作为意大利国家银行的行长,对此问题,这两个男人之间的较量已经是极明显了。

7.The man was a teacher, as was evident from his way of speaking.由那男人说话的样子可明显看出,他是个老师。

8.Thus, it was evident that mere nonuse of the property as a road did not estabpsh that the condition had been broken.所以,很明显,仅仅没有将土地用于道路,不能认为条件被打破。

9.It is evident that income may not anything to do with how much time one spends onpne.很明显收入的多少也许和上网时间的多少没有太大关系。

10.It was evident that this excess of caution proceeded from an experience that no subtlety on the part of their enemies could deceive them.虽然,他们的这种过分的小心,是从经验中得出的,因而不管有多狡猾的敌人,都别想骗过他们。