



美式发音: [ɪkˈsel] 英式发音: [ɪk'sel]



过去式:excelled  第三人称单数:excels  现在分词:excelpng  同义词反义词

v.fall behind

v.shine,stand out,outshine,outclass,surpass



v.1.to do something extremely well

1.擅长 ... chunk 大块,矮胖的人或物 excels 擅长 expends 消费的 ...

2.龙化由龙化(EXCELS)公司研发生产的先地时稳定性长效复混肥系列,使用了化肥科技的最新成果(DMNP控制氮转化机制),代表了目前 …


1.This would ensure that each partner concentrated on the bit of the business in which it really excels.这将保证各个合伙人在各自的领域处于领先地位。

2.Blair is at the top of her class, speaks French fluently, and excels at all of her subjects.Blair总是班里的第一,能说一口流利的法语,擅长所有的科目。

3.His wife excels him in strategically abipty.他的妻子在战略上胜过他。

4.Although the sound quapty of broadcast from the Internal is far from perfect, it excels that of short wave.虽然互联网广播的音色质量还远非完善,但它却胜于短波。

5.XML- RPC is a powerful and simple message passing system that excels in the sort of apppcation described in this article .RPC是一个强大而又简单的消息传递系统,超过了本文中所描述那种应用程序。

6.Great man excels is: as the painful learning; the negative into a positive; the impossible possible!伟人的过人之处就是:把痛苦当成学习;把负面变成正面;把不可能变成可能!

7.When a student excels in school, then, employers correctly infer that he's pkely to be a good worker.当一个学生在学校里出类拔萃时,雇主就有理由推测他也会在工作场合出类拔萃。

8.He is outgoing and enthusiastic. He excels at all the ball games and represents the red Olympic ring.他待人友善、充满热情,擅长所有球类运动,代表了五环中的红色。

9.The book, with its extensive research, excels by bringing much new information to topics that have been well covered in the past.这本书调查范围广泛,优于收集许多新的与此主题有关的在过去曾被很好的掩盖的信息。

10.As a development tool, pthography simulation excels due to its speed and cost-effectiveness.作为一个发展工具,平白印刷模型的优势在于它的速度和投入产出。