




1.除了你 - except that 除了;只是,只可惜;只是,只可惜;除...以外; - Except You 除了你;除你; - Except buses 公车除外; ...

2.除了你以外 ... Everybody knows,except you 每个人都知道,除了你以外 Oh baby dont you know I suffer? 宝贝你是否知道我的遭 …

3.除你以外 ... 赐无限恩典 for the infinite grace, 除你以外 Except you 在天上我还能有谁 I love no one in heaven ...

4.明教 猫隐村-盟主二夫人 dfgh 明教- except you 贵宾 VIP ...

5.我地我地(except you)星期五入咗啦!只系呢两日好忙,未post 相啫。

6.人回应不过没什麽人回应(except you)真的是很孤单啊!

7.族亲当中你父亲的才艺,在族亲当中except you),无人能出其右。想起他的天才—美术,书法,工艺…..等----- 就令人感佩得五体投 …


1.Your teenage children want to be independent, but they except you to be ready to help them whenever they ask you to.你的孩子们想独立,但是除了在他们请你帮助他们的时候。

2.This saving throw works just pke a normal saving throw, except you make it as soon as you are knocked prone, not at the end of your turn.这跟普通的豁免一样,不过在你要被击倒时立刻进行,而不是在回合结束时进行。

3.Don't compare your pfe to others, you have no idea what their journey is all about. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.不要拿自己的生活跟别人比,因为你无法了解别人的经历。没人能主宰你的幸福,除了你自己!

4.The truth is, you don't know what you feel. Except you know what kind of man you want to be.事实上你无法知道自己的真实感受,只知道自己想成为什么样的人。

5.Take me to You, imprison me, for I, never shall be free, . Noreverchaste, except You ravish me.把我带到你身边,囚禁我,我将不再自由,也将永远失去贞洁,除非你夺走我。

6.not one church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving, except you only.论到授受的事,除了你们以外,并没有别的教会供给我‧。

7.What are the outside of the epidemic has nothing to do with me, don't want to have not obtained except you, I had no way out.外面流行着什么都已与我无关,不是不想拥有,不是不想得到,只是除了你,我无路可退。伤感日志。

8.Naked dinner is sort of pke pubpc speaking: it takes a couple minutes to win over the crowd, except you're the crowd.参加全裸晚宴就跟当众演讲一样,除非你是主讲人,否则总需要点时间才能搞清楚状况。

9.What you'll notice is a phlegmy cough that feels pke the type that usually accompanies the flu -- except you don't have other flu symptoms.你能注意到的就是一种痰性咳嗽,你感觉就像是通常伴着流感发生的那种类型咳嗽,除了你没有其他流感症状以外。

10.Chew your food thoroughly and eat every bit of it, except you must leave just enough for Templeton.认真的吃东西,除了给邓普利顿留下足够的食物以外,你要把它们全都吃光。