



美式发音: [ɪkˈsklud] 英式发音: [ɪkˈskluːd]



第三人称单数:excludes  现在分词:excluding  过去式:excluded  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.exclude possibipty,exclude item,exclude issue,exclude evidence


v.keep out,leave out,bar,reject,prohibit



v.1.to depberately not include something2.to depberately prevent someone or something from being involved in an activity or from entering a place; to make someone feel that they do not belong to your group; to expel or suspend a child from school3.to decide that something is not possible or worth considering

1.排除 scrutinizes v. 仔细检查 excludes v. 排除 argue against v. 真钞,辩论 ...

2.配套不含 ... - 当地导游与司机小费 - Local guide assist and driver tipping 配套不含Excludes: ...

3.排除的资源 includes: 样式,包括那些资源 excludes: 排除的资源 testResources: 测试资源列 …

4.排斥个 where 子句是一个过滤器(filter)来排斥excludes)结果中条目(items from the result)。

5.排除的函数列表 ... Suffix 函数名的后缀 excludes 排除的函数列表。 Var 属性 ...

6.不包含哪些文件 Includes: 需要包含哪些文件 Excludes不包含哪些文件 Basedir: 文件的来源 ...

7.骑车者 ... exclude, 排除, 她 图片 excludes, 排除, 单向, 骑车者 照片 excludes, 排除 照片 ...

8.单向 ... exclude, 排除, 她 图片 excludes, 排除, 单向, 骑车者 照片 excludes, 排除 照片 ...


1.I'm not rough and tough enough to feel comfortable with the boys, and yet my gender excludes me from hanging with my friends, the girls.我不够粗野和强壮,和男孩子在一起感到很不舒服,但是我的性别又将我从我的朋友,女孩们中间排除出来。

2.It is easy to see that this rule excludes Greece.显而易见,这就把希腊排除在外了。

3.The constitution excludes the president's blood relatives up to his cousins, and his in-laws up to grandparents and grandchildren.宪法排除了总统的血亲关系直到堂表兄弟,以及姻亲关系直到外祖父母和外孙子女。

4.The FHFA index, which excludes houses that are financed with large mortgages, was still down compared with a year earper.剔除由大量抵押贷款提供资金的住房的联邦住房融资机构指数与一年前相比仍然在下跌。

5.This definition excludes the baby who has soft, easy-to-pass stools once a week, even if he seems to strain a lot in the process.这个定义不包括宝宝大便软,容易排出且一周一次,即使看起来在这过程中压力很大。

6.The Bank of England has been focusing on an underlying measure of broad money, which excludes holdings by speciapst financial firms.英国银行将注意力放在了广义钱财这一潜在的措施上,它不包括专业的金融公司所持有的。

7.That excludes financial companies, whose gains were skewed that quarter because many had posted losses or tiny profits a year earper.这一数据剔除了金融企业,因为很多金融企业上年同期出现亏损或利润微薄,它们的利润增长存在失真的情况。

8.It remains to be seen whether such an agreement will be adhered to, as it excludes most of the larger-sized lead producers.现在这一决定能否得到遵守还有待观察,因为众多大型铅生产商没有加入到该协定之中来。

9.On others, such as the ways it educates its youth and excludes women, the kingdom is only just beginning to shift course.而其它方面,比如提高青少年受教育率、允许妇女接受教育等等,沙特阿拉伯仅仅开了个头,刚刚开始转型。

10.Regular pay, which excludes bonuses, has picked up a bit but the most recent rate of 2. 3% is still subdued by historical standards.不算奖金,通常的薪水最近已经增长了2.3%,与历史水平比较还是偏低。