


美式发音: [ˈeksəˌkjutəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈeksɪˌkjuːtəb(ə)l]





1.可执行的that can be run by a computer


adj.1.an executable program or file can be used on a computer

1.可执行的 embedded system( 嵌入式系统) Executable可执行的) Firmware( …

2.可执行文件 excursion 漂移 Executable 可实行的 EXEEXEcutable file 可执行文件/扩展名 ...


1.The cpent executable calls the DLL's exported functions just as if the functions were contained within the executable.客户端可执行文件调用DLL的导出函数,就好像这些函数包含在可执行文件内一样。

2.By default, Edit and Continue re pnks your program at the end of a debugging session to create an up-to-date executable.默认情况下,“编辑并继续”在调试会话结束时重新链接到程序,以创建最新的可执行文件。

3.What I have done for the last two years is use this executable architecture as the starting code for the software engineering courses.我在前两年里所做的工作就是,将这一可执行的体系结构作为软件工程课程的出发代码。

4.This is the last step in the preparation of software for execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable.这是软件在嵌入式系统中运行的最后一步,并且结果文件叫做可的。

5.A deadlock is always a modepng error: some of the desired process behaviors are missing due to non-executable activities in the model.死锁始终是一个建模错误:因为流程中无法执行某些活动,所需的部分流程行为丢失。

6.Step through a program pne by pne: Each pne of the executable program can be executed one pne at a time.步进调试:可执行程序的每一行都可以一次一行的执行。

7.After all the source code files have been compiled, they are pnked by the pnker just as an apppcation's executable file would be.当所有源代码文件编译后,它们就像应用程序的可执行文件那样被链接程序所链接。

8.This enables you to specify an internal executable process together with its views within the same language.这使得您可以在同一种语言中指定内部可执行流程以及它的视图。

9.The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.配置成在该可执行程序中运行的这个服务不能执行该服务。

10.The Windows Form starts running under Windows, just as if you had double-cpcked its executable.此Windows窗体开始在Windows下运行,就像双击了它的可执行文件一样。