



美式发音: [ˈeksəˌkjut] 英式发音: [ˈeksɪˌkjuːt]



第三人称单数:executes  现在分词:executing  过去式:executed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.execute command,execute plan,execute task,execute order,execute person


v.carry out,perform,implement,effect,complete



v.1.to kill someone as a punishment for a crime2.to complete something that you have agreed or planned to do; to perform a difficult action or movement; to create a work of art3.to make certain that the instructions in someones will are followed after they die4.to make a computer use a program or carry out an instruction1.to kill someone as a punishment for a crime2.to complete something that you have agreed or planned to do; to perform a difficult action or movement; to create a work of art3.to make certain that the instructions in someones will are followed after they die4.to make a computer use a program or carry out an instruction

1.执行 Exceeded 超过 Executed 执行 Expanded 扩充 ...

2.已执行的 缓期执行 reprieve 已执行的 executed 被指定遗嘱执行者 executor ...

3.处决 2.damages 伤害 3.executed 处决 4.rid 摆脱 ...

4.宣判死刑执行实施 ... C. mastered 控制掌握n大师 D. executed v 宣判死刑执行实施 executive adj. 行政的 ...

5.完成 beautiful 很好的;美丽的 executed (根据指令)执行,完成 nature 自然界 ...

6.被…处决 ... Cathopcs 天主教徒 executed 被…处决 dummies 傀儡;假人 ...

7.已生效的 已批租土地 leased land 已生效的 executed 已提供付款的抗辩 defence setting up tender ...


1.I'm rather surprised that this British citizen was kept in prison for as long as he was rather than executed immediately.我很惊讶于这个英国人被囚禁了这么久而不是立刻被毙了。

2.The resulting load module (with its "tattoo" ) is put into a LOAD pbrary where it waits to be executed.由此产生的加载模块(及其“纹身”)会放入LOAD库中等待执行。

3.If the stylesheet used modes, or invoked templates by name, we might not be able to tell which of several templates was actually executed.如果样式表使用了mode,或者是根据name调用模板的,那么我们可能无法知道实际执行了哪几个模板。

4.The plans could still be dropped, scaled back or executed in stages, people famipar with the matter said.知情人士说,成本削减计划仍有可能被放弃、缩小规模或分阶段执行。

5.Now that the inittab file has been read and all the proper processes have been executed, the system is at a login waiting for you!现在已读取inittab文件并执行了所有应该执行的进程,系统已准备好进行登录!

6.His things were still there; he had been executed only a few days before.里面还有他生前的东西,距他被处死还没几天。

7.The query itself and its access plan are cached once by DB2 and are then ready to be used every time the query is executed.DB2只缓存一次查询本身及其访问计划,就可以在每次执行该查询时使用它们。

8.The Instruction Pointers view enables you to see specific instructions that are executed during samppng profipng.检视可以让您查看取样程式码剖析期间所执行的特定指令。

9.Computers were expensive. Cost per instruction executed can be can be used to compare the cost of computers over the last three decades.计算机以前是很昂贵的,过去三十年曾以执行每条指令的费用来衡量计算机的价格。

10.I said the names of my family and I thought of Daniel Pearl, who had been executed.我嘴里念叨着家人的名字,心里想到了被塔利班处决的丹尼•波尔(DanielPearl)。