




1.存在危机 低谷6 上瘾 ADDICTION 低谷7 绝望 EXISTENTIAL CRISIS 低谷1 失去 LOSS ...


1.Japan is currently facing something of an existential crisis. has grown very slowly for more than a decade, and its population is decpning.目前日本正面临着某种生存危机。十多年来,它的经济发展缓慢,人口持续下降。

2.The only possible alternative, the euro, is structurally flawed and is in what may turn out to be an existential crisis.唯一可能的替代品欧元在结构上存在缺陷,而且正处于一场最终可能关系到其能否存在的危机之中。

3."You could end up with a divided ECB with the majority saying we're facing an existential crisis, " said Mr Kapoor.卡普尔表示:“欧洲央行最终可能会分化为两派,多数派会说我们正面临一场事关生死的危机。”

4.The once-promising Gujing Group was facing an existential crisis and had to rethink its aggressive expansion and its diversification plans.昔日前途大好的古井集团面临生存危机,必须对其激进的扩张计划和多元化计划进行反思。

5.But The Financial Times is not facing the "existential crisis" that confronts some other newspapers, Mr. Ridding said.但是《金融时报》并没有面临其他一些报纸所遭遇的“生存危机”,李尔庭说。

6.The price of a cobbled-together rescue is that some day the euro zone will probably have to endure yet another existential crisis.胡拼乱凑式救援行动要付出的代价就是,将来欧元区有可能不得不经受另一个潜在的危机。

7.McDonald describes it as an "existential crisis. "肯特·麦当劳将这种情况成为一个现存的“危机”。

8.Ever since reveapng my Manchester City existential crisis, I've been inundated with messages from friends and enemies.自从透露了自己的曼城球迷身份危机后,我的朋友和敌人发来的信息淹没了我。

9.Nothing less will do in the existential crisis that has enveloped the eurozone's economy and financial markets.任何规模小于上述计划的方案,在这场事关生死存亡的危机中都将无济于事——危机已席卷欧元区经济及各国金融市场。

10.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday the EU faced an "existential" crisis.德国总理梅克尔周四称,欧盟面临“存亡”危机。