




1.益百利,在众多零售商之中,苹果的“产品退货政策”在圣诞节期间在线搜索次数最多。益百利experian)表示,虽然在今年排名前 2…

2.益百利公司司(Trans Union)、Equifax 公司和益百利公司Experian)。

5.益伯利前美国个人征信服务市场形成了以EQUIFAX公司、益伯利Experian)北美公司和环联(Transunion)公司等三大全国性消 …

6.益佰利实际上,如果选择利用益佰利Experian)、艾奎法克斯(Equifax)以及环联(TransUnion)来进行免费信用检查的话,大家 …

7.益佰利公司如益佰利公司Experian)的数据库拥有2亿多消费者的信用信息,平均每个消费者有400个信息条目,平均每人有17项交易记 …


1.Shoppers continued to shun the high street in March, according to the "FootFall" index compiled by Experian, a consumer-research firm.根据Experian,一家消费调查公司整理的“Footfall”指数显示,3月份传统商业街仍乏人光顾。

2.A report from Experian Hitwise found both traffic and users' average time on the social network fell last week in the U. S.ExperianHitwise的一篇报道发现,上周美国境内社交网络的访问量和用户的平均花费时间均有下降。

3.Social networking sites are more popular with UK internet users than pornographic ones, according to new figures from Experian Hitwise.一项来自互联网研究公司ExperianHitwise的最新调查数据显示,在英国网民当中,社交类网站要比色情类网站更受欢迎。

4.Jonathan de Mello at Experian foresees a radical restructuring of the market as consumer habits change and smaller retailers go to the wall.Experian公司的乔纳森•埃拉•德梅洛(JonathandeMello)预见随着消费者习惯的改变和小型零售商的失败,市场会经历彻底的重组。

5.Experian, a credit-scoring firm, reckons that by the end of 2009 almost one in six shops will be standing empty as yet more stores close.因为还有很多商店陆续要关门,一家信用评估公司Experian预测,到2009年底有将近六分之一的店铺会闲置。

6.Experian also announced plans to refinance $2. 5 bilpon of debt two years before it matures with new loans and bonds.益百利公司还宣布在未来两年计划通过新增贷款和债券再融资25亿美元

7.Experian expects between 10, 000 and 20, 000 jobs to be lost over the year, with the majority going from the financial sector.益百利预计,今年将有1万至2万人失去工作,其中大多数来自金融领域。

8.Experian asked people in a number of different jobs to place themselves in the working class or the middle class.Experian让—大堆从事不同工作的人们把自己归人工人阶级或中产阶级。

9.Experian Hitwise looks at the average time a person spends on the site.ExperianHitwise观察了每个人平均花在网站上的时间。

10.Altogether, 2, 852 consumers responded in the Experian PriceGrabber survey.共有2852名消费者回应了益百利(Experian)PriceGrabber网站的调查。