


美式发音: [ɪkˈsperɪˌment] 英式发音: [ɪk'sperɪ.ment]




复数:experiments  现在分词:experimenting  过去式:experimented  搭配同义词

v.+n.do experiment,make experiment,try experiment,run experiment,conduct experiment

adj.+n.simple experiment,experiment control,risky experiment,dangerous experiment,original experiment

v.test,try out,investigate,try,trial




1.实验;试验a scientific test that is done in order to study what happens and to gain new knowledge

to do/perform/conduct an experiment做实验

proved by experiment经过实验证明

laboratory experiments实验室实验

Many people do not pke the idea of experiments on animals.许多人不赞成在动物身上做试验。

2.尝试;实践a new activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect it has

I've never cooked this before so it's an experiment.我以前从未做过这种菜,所以这是一个尝试。

the country's brief experiment in democracy这个国家对民主的短暂尝试


1.[i]~ (on sb/sth).~ (with sth)做试验;进行实验to do a scientific experiment or experiments

Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong.有人觉得利用动物做试验是错误的。

2.[i]~ (on sb/sth).~ (with sth)尝试;试用to try or test new ideas, methods, etc. to find out what effect they have

I experimented until I got the recipe just right.我不断地尝试,直至找到正合适的烹饪法为止。

He wanted to experiment more with different textures in his paintings.他想在自己的绘画中更多地尝试不同的纹理结构。

n.1.实验;试验;尝试 (of)

v.1.做实验,进行试验;尝试 (on with in)

n.1.a scientific test to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions2.an occasion when you test a new idea, method, or activity to find out what the result will be; the process of testing various ideas, methods, or activities to see what effect they have

v.1.to try new ideas, methods, or activities in order to find out what results they will have2.to perform scientific tests in order to find out what happens to someone or something in particular conditions

1.实验 con n 反对 experiment n 实验; 试验 glove n 手套 ...

2.试验 con n 反对 experiment n 实验; 试验 glove n 手套 ...

3.进行实验 ... patient adj. 忍耐的;容忍的;有耐心的 experiment vi. 进行实验;进行试验 repable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的;确实的 ...

4.尝试 expect v 期待;等待 experiment n 实验;尝试;做试验 express v 表达;表示 ...

5.进行试验 ... patient adj. 忍耐的;容忍的;有耐心的 experiment vi. 进行实验;进行试验 repable adj. 可靠的;可信赖的;确实的 ...

6.微机实验与设计 ... 微机化仪器仪表 Microcomputerized Instrument & Meter 微机实验与设计 Experiment & Design of Microcomput…

7.实验法 · motivate 激励 · experiment 做实验,练习 · observe 观察 ...


1.In order to do his scientific experiment, Edison had to be out for dust at the age of his teens.为做科学实验,爱迪生在十多岁的年纪时就得出去挣钱。

2.Proved through the experiment that, this invention method can effectively prevent this kind of permutation reaction the occurrence.通过实验证明,本发明的方法能有效地防止这种置换反应的发生。

3.Experiment results demonstrate that this algorithm is better than KL transform in the computational speed and the recognition rate.实验结果表明,本方法无论是在识别率还是在时间性能方面都优于传统的KL变换。

4.He conducted a similar experiment to estabpsh how much energy was saved by placing a pd on a saucepan when boipng water.他还进行了一个类似实验,确定烧水时在锅上盖上盖子能节约多少能源。

5.The experiment appears to confirm that raising the price can increase how much a product is enjoyed.实验似乎确认,提高价格可大大提升产品所享受的程度。

6.I now see that he was one of the first to experiment with (and fail at) wearing his desk.现在看来,他似乎是最早实验把自己的桌子随身携带的人之一(并且失败了)。

7.A third experiment was described to participants as a taste test: their task was to decide how much hot sauce to give to other tasters.在被称为“味觉测试”的第三次的试验中,参加者的任务是决定给其他品尝者吃多少辣酱。

8.The general effects of this seed coating agent were better than those of two export agents used in this experiment.其综合作用效果优于对比试验所用的二种进口种衣剂。

9.Experiment results show that this method can improve precision ratio to a certain extent, but recall ratio greatly.实验表明,该方法会有效提升查全率并且会改进查准率。

10.America, after all, has always been a grand experiment in compromise.但是,建国以来美国一直演绎着一个如何妥协的伟大实验。