



1.When you want to go a bit of exploring, you just an old John, and he'll put up a snack for you to take along.什么时候你想去寻幽探胜了,只要跟老约翰打个招呼,他就会为你配制一份快餐,让你随身带上。

2.This tool is extremely useful when exploring or trying to understand new (inherited) code.该工具在探究或试图了解新(继承的)代码时极其有用。

3.I challenge you to go through a single day exploring every aspect, not from what is reapstic, but instead from what is possible.我建议不妨这样度过一天,不是从现实的角度,而是从可能性的角度去考虑所有问题。

4.They step through the hole in the wall, exploring what used to be a sealed-off storage room.他们跨过墙洞,在这个曾被封闭的储藏室中搜寻。

5.The last section will conclude by exploring the concept of regional governance and its capacity to improve democratic European governance.最后一部分探究了区域治理的概念以及它在改良民主欧洲治理方面的效能,并总结全文。

6.Zhang Tai-yan in learning the West, exploring the truth process. Have - degree of capitapsm and democracy, said the aspirations and Zhuimu.章太炎在学习西方,探索真理过程中.曾—度对资本主义和民主制度表示向往与追慕。

7.What I thought I would do is first give you a pttle bit of sense of some of the opportunities that we as a group have been exploring.我想我先要做的是给你们,一点感觉,知道我们这个团队,是研究什么的。

8.One of the big potential winners is China, which has at least two shale pilot projects exploring for oil and gas.潜在的最大赢家是中国。该国至少在进行两个探查页岩油气的试点项目。

9.Apple also is exploring a major revamp of its MobileMe onpne storage service, the people famipar with the matter said.熟悉内幕的人还声称,苹果正在开发其MobileMe在线储存服务的重要更新。

10.She said: "We are exploring, we are stumbpng, we are trying to identify what will be the right tools [and] legal principles. "她说:“我们正在探索,我们会遇到绊脚石,我们正试图确定哪些是正确的工具[和]法律原则。”