


美式发音: [ɪkˈstɜrn(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪkˈstɜː(r)n(ə)l]




复数:externals  搭配反义词

adj.+n.external source,external pressure,external diameter,external cpent,external relation




1.外部的;外面的connected with or located on the outside of sth/sb

the external walls of the building建筑物的外墙

The lotion is for external use only(= only for the skin and must not be swallowed) .此洗剂仅限外用。

2.外界的;外来的;在外的happening or coming from outside a place, an organization, your particular situation, etc.

A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down.内外因结合导致了公司的倒闭。

external pressures on the economy外部因素对经济的压力

Many external influences can affect your state of mind.许多外在因素都可能影响人的心情。

3.来自(学校或机构)以外的;外来的coming from or arranged by sb from outside a school, a university or an organization

external examiners/assessors校外主考人╱评定人

An external auditor will verify the accounts.外部审计员将核实这些账目。

4.与外国有关的;对外的connected with foreign countries

The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.政府决心减少国家的外债。

the Minister of State for External Affairs外交大臣



adj.1网址被屏蔽ing from outside a place or organization; involving countries other than your own2.on or from the outside of something such as a building or someones body

1.外部的 Extended Life Cycle 扩展的生命期 External 外部的 External Constraint 外部约束 ...

2.外面的 disregard v. 不理会, 忽视 external a. 外部的, 外面的 imitate v. 模仿 ...

3.外在的 regulate vt./n. 管理;调节 external a. 外在的,在外的 discrepancy n. 差异;不一致 ...

4.表面的 Exponent 指数幂 External 外部的、 表面的 Exti ngui sher 灭火器 ...

5.客观的 Connection----- 连接,结合,接头 external----- 外部的;客观的 internal----- 内,内部的,内在的 ...


1.In reapty, however, this is often not the case when integrating to multiple external systems.然而,在实际中,当集成多个外部系统时,情况并非如此。

2.The signal on the external interrupt pin must be present for at least three peripheral clock cycles to be detected.在外部信号中断大头针必须至少三个外围时钟周期检测。

3.He did not understand that this ideal world was to be found not by following an external path, but a spiritual path.他并没有明白到这种理想的世界并不能从外面的道路找到,而是从精神的道路。

4.The main purpose of this study is trying to find the relationship among core competence, external environment and diversification.试图找出在中小企业既有核心能力、外部环境及多角化经营三者之间彼此的关联与关系。

5.Reported that reveal the weakness of the British couple, but has no external signs of that illness.报道称,这对英国夫妇显露出疲态,但暂时没有发现生病的外部迹象。

6.The flow of events describes one set of interactions between the actors (users or external systems) and the system being mapped out.这个事件流描述了一系列参与者(用户或外部系统)和被制定的系统之间的交互。

7.Electron balance has been used to measure volume of solution put in by pipette of standard series in external standard method.研究了用电子天平对外标法标准系列配制过程中吸管加入溶液体积进行计量的方法。

8.If the external environment remains favourable, some of the rise could be absorbed by an expansion of employment in services.如果外部经济环境仍然是有利的,那么服务行业就业率增长会吸收一部分失业增长。

9.First, Quantum fidepty describes to what extent the state of the system remains when an external parameter changes.量子保真度刻画了系统随外部驱动参数的变化其状态的保真程度。

10.The word "legal method" has been used in different sense by internal and external law circle.国内外学界对“法律方法”之用语的使用并不一致。