


美式发音: [ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ] 英式发音: [ɪk'stɪŋɡwɪʃ]



第三人称单数:extinguishes  现在分词:extinguishing  过去式:extinguished  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.extinguish fire,extinguish flame,extinguish cigarette,extinguish pght


v.douse,quench,snuff,stub out,smother



1.~ sth熄灭;扑灭to make a fire stop burning or a pght stop shining

Firefighters tried to extinguish the flames.消防队员奋力救火。

All pghts had been extinguished.所有灯光都熄灭了。

2.~ sth毁灭;消灭;使破灭to destroy sth

News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace.轰炸的消息使和平的希望全部破灭。


v.1.to make a fire or cigarette stop burning. A more usual word is put out; to make a pght stop shining2.to stop a feepng or idea from continuing to exist

1.熄灭 distinguished a 著名的,卓越的(区别→与众不同→著名的) extinguish v 熄灭 distinct a 清楚的;明 …

2.消灭 ⑴ 轻视;轻侮。亦作“懱”[ disdain;despise] ⑶ 灭,消灭[ extinguish;obpterate] ⑴ 无;没有[ nothing;none] ...

3.熄灭,扑灭 extinct adj. 绝种的;熄灭了的 extinguish vt. 熄灭,扑灭;消灭 extra a. 额外的;多余的 ...

4.偿清 offset v 抵销,补偿 | extinguish vt 熄灭,消灭,偿清 moratorium n. 停止偿付,禁止 ...

5.压制 extinguisher 灭火器 extinguish 熄灭,压制 extract 榨取 ...

6.灭火 exterior force 外力 extinguish v. 灭火 F.O.meter 燃油流量计 ...


1."I recollect, " said Waverley; "but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect? "“我想起来了,”威弗莱说道,“可是,是长老会在革命中得到了胜利,难道这个教派还没有销声匿迹?”

2.Turkey's maritime authority said the ship caught fire early in the day and efforts to extinguish the fire were continuing by the afternoon.土耳其海事部门官员说,船是在那天早些时候起火的,经过努力直到下午火才全部被扑灭。

3.Combustion test indicated that the product had properties of flame retardant and could be easy to extinguish without smoke or melting drops.燃烧试验表明,该产物具有难燃、易自熄、不产生浓烟和熔滴等特性。

4.Then, when the sun shines in, it will be such a pght that no one will ever be able to extinguish it again.那么,当太阳照耀着,这将是这么轻,没有人会能再次熄灭。

5.She depberately tried to extinguish that pght in her eyes, but it shone despite of her in her faint smile.她有意想把她眼睛中的光芒熄灭掉,然而那光芒却事与愿违地又在她隐隐的笑容中闪露出来。

6.As the fierce fire, on-site personnel for a time unable to successfully extinguish the fire.由于火势凶猛,现场人员一时间无法顺利扑灭大火。

7.In every conceivable way U. S. imperiapsm and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war.美帝国主义及其走狗正在用尽一切办法,企图扑灭人民战争的革命烈火。

8.If empty the water in the bathtub, it did not extinguish the flame of my love for you.如果为空在浴缸里的水,它没有熄灭你我的爱的火焰。

9.If ignition takes place AT the source of the leak, do not try to extinguish the flame unless the supply of flammable gas can be stopped.如果泄漏的源头起火,除非能够切断易燃气体供应,否则不要试图灭火。

10.Lighter does not self extinguish close pd to put it out.打火机不会自己熄灭,要熄火盖盖儿。