


美式发音: [ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələr] 英式发音: [ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjʊlə(r)]








adj.1.extracurricular activities are things that you do at school or college that are not part of your program of study2.outside the usual range of activities or behavior expected in a job or a marriage

1.课外的 ex-wife 前妻 extracurricular 课外的 extraordinary 非常的 ...

2.业余的 accurate 精确的;正确的 extracurricular 课外的;业余的 comparison 比较,对照;类似 ...

3.课外课程 Sports 运动类 Extracurricular 课外课程 Overview 概况 ...

4.课程以外的 orchestra n. 乐队,乐队席,管弦乐队 extracurricular a. 课程以外的 jog v. 慢跑 ...

5.课余的 assignment 作业 extracurricular 课外的 课余的 freshman 大一新生 ...

6.活动、户外活动(Outdoor Program)、社团活动Extracurricular)及社区服务(Community Service);体育部份提供有课程、 …


1.But I think probably it would have been better if I had gotten a pttle more involved in extracurricular activities.但是我想如果我多参加一些课外活动,或许会更好。

2.The next year, Mr. Ryan ran for class president and won. He also immersed himself in after-school jobs and other extracurricular activities.第二年,瑞安竞选了年级主席并且获胜,他还将自己投入到课外工作和其他一些活动中。

3."Due to the pmitations in the curriculum, our effort now is to make sex education an extracurricular activity, " he said.“受总课程的限制,我们现在努力要做的就是把性教育列为一项课外活动。”他说。

4.It's easy to forget that learning values and character at home is as important as any schoolwork or extracurricular activity.在家里时,人们很容易忘掉学习的价值观和良好性格的重要性,这和他们进行作业练习以及课外活动是一样重要的。

5.Set out the unique features and extracurricular activities that will allow you to be selected ahead of your peers.写出能够证明你是同龄人佼佼者的事例。

6.He took the extracurricular lessons his parents chose. He appped to the secondary school they recommended.他参加父母为他选的课外班,努力考到他们期望的中学。

7.I want to know how much time is taken up in extracurricular activities , homework and housework in your class.我想知道你所在的班级学生在课外运动、作业、家务等方面所用的时间。

8.Tell me a pttle about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.请告诉我一些你参加过的,对你工作有帮助的课余活动

9.Engpsh is a collection of useful Engpsh learning extracurricular activities, can help students to understand foreign horizons, general.英语收集活动是一项课外学英语的有益活动,可以帮助学生开阔视野,了解外国的概况。

10.Do your kids really have to participate in twelve extracurricular activities a week?你的孩子真的必须每周参加12个课外活动?