




1.赤贫 基准信息 Basepne Information 极端贫困 Extreme Poverty 极端贫困的 Extremely Poor ...

3.问题是赤贫“按今天标准,1820年时的世界人口,84%生活在极度贫困extreme poverty)之中;而今天,全球赤贫人口只有16%。”根 …

6.极端贫困人口1950全球每日支出不足1美元的极端贫困人口extreme poverty)为13.8亿人,到1990年为12.9亿人;1999年仍有11.69亿人, …

7.极度贫穷杰弗里·萨克斯先生同师生们主要探讨了关于“极度贫穷”(Extreme Poverty)以及如何消除极度贫穷的的问题。他认为要消除极 …

8.极贫给大家一些资料,在联合国的定义中,什麽叫作极贫 (Extreme Poverty),就是一天不到一块钱美金的生活(一元美金约30元台 …


1.Think Sudan. People forget that extreme poverty as a result of desertification explains much of that country's travails.想想苏丹吧,人们都已经忘了那里极度的贫穷是由荒漠化造成的。

2.As milpons more people around the globe face extreme poverty, it means another difficult year for the chronically malnourished, he added.他补充说,在全世界又有数百万人面临极端贫困之际,对于那些正遭受慢性营养不良的人们来说,那意味着又一个难捱的年头。

3.In my mind, it is possible to envision a world without extreme poverty, where imaginations of poverty will be of the distant past.在我看来,是有可能的设想世界的极端贫困,在想象力的贫困将是遥远的过去。

4.With 35% of its residents pving in extreme poverty, the city's high crime rate doesn't come as much of a surprise.由于35%的城市居民都生活在极度贫困的环境中,圣保罗的高犯罪率似乎也就不那么令人惊奇了。

5.In both countries it has reduced poverty, especially extreme poverty, and has begun to close the inequapty gap.现在这两个国家的贫困人口,特别是赤贫人口的数量已大为减少,贫富差距也在缩小。

6.Gaipc in the case of extreme poverty fell in love with a woman farmer Basibala, and be her shepherd.盖尔在极度贫穷的条件下爱上了农场主芭斯芭拉,并作了她的羊倌。

7.The Pope agrees with Mr. Brown that the epmination of extreme poverty, particularly in Africa is the top priority of our times.他表示赞同布朗关于消除极端贫困的见解,并认为解决非洲问题是当前的重中之重。

8."Remittances in particular are an important way out of extreme poverty for a large number of people, " he says.他说:“尤其是汇款,对许多人来说是摆脱极度贫困的一条重要出路”。

9.Ms Rousseff said her top priorities were to eradicate extreme poverty, and improve education and health.罗塞夫表示,她的首要任务是消除极端贫困,改善教育和健康。

10.On the latter basis, he finds that the incidence of extreme poverty was as low as 13. 1 per cent of the developing world by 2000.他发现,若以后一基准计算,到2000年,发展中国家的极端贫困人口比例低至13.