




1.秦时明月知道秦时明月Eyes say)的URL么,要MP3格式的。空间可以听的获得第一个回答耗时29分钟 擅长QQ空间的专家有37人 问 …

2.林埈永唱的林埈永唱的eyes say) http://www.tudou网址被屏蔽/programs/view/u_2KPwzZqyY/你看下是不是这首歌,一定是歌词是: i say i sa…

3.月亮王子情动 彩虹 南飞雁 使命 神秘还 要记得我 我们都以为 月亮王子 (Eyes Say) (midnight breakout)万里长城中全部片尾曲问问团队 …

4.我的天使倾国倾城家族—我的天使Eyes say


1.Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most pke to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say, for just three days.也许,如果我恩赐能使用我的眼睛,哪怕只是三天,我能通过想像最完美地说明我最想看见的东西。

2.The growth of people for centuries, while dozens of short years, what should be around, but the clouds have eyes say?而人生长着百年,短则数十寒暑,又有何值得耀武扬威的,不过是烟云过眼矣?

3.So say goodbye, so close your eyes, say goodbye and close your eyes, close your eyes Tonight!所以说,再见了,所以闭上眼睛,说再见,闭上眼睛,闭上你的眼睛今晚!

4.When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, a practiced man repes on the language of the first.当眼神透露的讯息与嘴巴所传达的相互抵触时,干练的人会采纳前者。

5.Blue eyes say: love me or I die; black eyes say: love me or I kill thee.蓝眼睛说:爱我,否则我会死去;黑眼睛说:爱我,否则我就是杀了你。

6.Your eyes say, "No, no. " But my mouth says, "Yes, yes. "你的眼神说“不,不”,但我的嘴巴说“好,好”。(弗莱迪大战杰森)

7.Hework hides what just we csome kind of't say. But eyes say what just we try to hide.心,会匿伏我们不能说的东西,但眼睛,能说出我们试图匿伏的东西。

8.Our sad eyes say: "We have lost our view ! "我们悲惨的双眼再说:“我们再也看不见!”

9.But eyes say what we try to hide.但眼睛,能说出我们试图隐藏的东西。

10.what did eyes say in the end?眼睛们最后说了什么?