




1.法切蒂 ... Baresi 巴里斯 Facchetti 范察堤 Rivera 利维拉 ...


1."We miss Facchetti in the important moments. We miss him in those moments when you need someone to resolve a problem, " he said.莫拉蒂说:“在重要的时刻我们想念法切蒂,当我们需要人来解决问题的时候我们会想起法切蒂。”

2.Giacinto Facchetti was a man who, whether on or off the pitch, conserved those same characteristics.法切蒂是一位无论在球场内外,都有着独特气质的人物。

3.Moreover, it seems that Facchetti had dinner with Bergamo back in 2005.再者,看来法切蒂和贝尔加莫还在2005年时共进了晚餐。

4.In his playing career Facchetti won 4 Itapan league titles, 2 European Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups and a Coppa Itapa.在法切蒂的职业生涯中,他获得了4次意大利联赛冠军、两次欧洲冠军杯,两次丰田杯和一次意大利杯。

5.I think Facchetti is the right person; it's an important role for me and it will allow me to be calmer.我认为法切蒂是合适的人选,那是个非常重要的角色,这么安排能够让我更加冷静。

6.Facchetti, Cabrini and Maldini, their souls are infused in him at this moment!法切蒂,加布里尼和马尔蒂尼,在这一刻他们灵魂附体!

7.Despite the persistent rumours, Facchetti is adamant the pair will still be playing for Inter next term.尽管谣言四起,法切蒂仍然认为这两人不会离开国米。

8.Facchetti: In the office, no no in Milan. If you come down he has a gift to give you.在办公室,不是在米兰的,如果你能来,他准备好礼物给你。

9.Facchetti: Yes, because he wanted to, if you come down someday.是的,因为他也这麽想,如果你那天能来的话。

10.He has suffered for Inter for many years, and without taking anything away from Facchetti, when we win my first thoughts are for him.他为国米付出了那么多年,当然还有法切蒂,球队取胜后我第一个想到的就是他。