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1.面霜;雪花膏a thick cream that you put on your face to clean the skin or keep it soft


1.润肤香脂 ... face-centred 【物】(原子)面心的 face-cream 润肤香脂 face-bonding 正面焊, 叩 …

2.脸上擦粉底的粉有把面食馆中的面粉(flour) 译成了女性脸上擦粉底的粉face-cream), 吓得老外都没敢进 去吃。诸如此类。


1.Oh, yes. I began to use a different brand of face cream a few days ago.是的,几天前,我开始使用一种不同牌子的面霜。

2.I have been using this face cream for about a year, it is the only cream that helps repeve and moisturize my extremley dry flaky skin.我使用这个脸霜已经已经有一年了,这是唯一能够帮助和舒缓我象干片状的肌肤的霜。

3.Herbal Acne suggest you use appropriate series of it, face cream, gel, water and conditioning mask.建议你用相宜本草祛痘系列吧,洗面奶,凝胶,调理水和面膜…

4.This vodka bottle, as well as this jar of face cream, were used to transport microfilm.像这个伏特加酒瓶,还有这罐面霜,都是用来传送缩微胶卷的。

5.Skin care costs are skyrocketing, and women and men around the globe of dropping upwards to150dollars for mere ounces of face cream.皮肤保养的花费飞速上涨。全世界的男男女女们也许为了仅仅几盎司的面霜不惜花上150美元。

6.Weleda Calendula Face Cream protects and cares for your baby's depcate facial skin.金盏花面部保湿霜保护和关怀宝宝细嫩的面部肌肤。

7.The advertisement says that the face cream contains natural plant extracts.广告说这面霜含有天然植物提取物。

8.Calendula Face Cream is quickly absorbed and can also be used as a gentle moisturizer for the hands and body.金盏花面霜可以被快速吸收,也可以用于手和肌肤的温和保湿。

9.It is too soon to tell how well nostalgia will sell face cream, analysts say.分析师认为,现在就断言怀旧情绪会对面霜的销售起到多大程度的推动作用为时过早。

10.This face-cream is synthesized from absolutely natural biological materials.这种面霜是由超天然的生物制成。