




1.直面死亡 2 Despair 消失吧! 3 Face death 直面死亡! 2 Never relent 绝不后悔 ...

2.面对死亡吧 ... "Despair!" 绝望 "Face death!" 面对死亡吧 "The tempest is upon them." 暴风雨笼罩他们。 ...

3.必死无疑 Ride out. 出发! Face death. 必死无疑 Never relent. 从不怜悯 ...


1.As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. "如经上所记、『我们为你的缘故、终日被杀.人看我们如将宰的羊。』

2.To his brothers during the war, he was their astute and fearless leader, ready to face death without a moment's notice.对他的兄弟们而言,战时,他是精明又无畏的领导者,准备慷慨赴死,绝无半点犹豫。

3.Yet for your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.我们为你的缘故终日被杀,人看我们如将宰的羊。

4.A short time later, John Carter, the Princess and their friend, the green Martian woman Sola, attempt to escape rather than face death.一小时以后,约翰。卡特,公主和他们的朋友绿色火星女人苏拉面对即将到来的死亡选择尝试着逃跑。当约翰。

5.Regardless of the gap between the number of people must face death, but low social status, low income population earper come to an end.无论人与人之间的差距有多少都必须面对死亡,只是社会地位低,收入低的人群比较早的走向死亡。

6.Life so precious, who would face death threats in the fellow balked at it?生命如此宝贵,谁会在同胞面对死亡威胁时畏缩不前呢?

7.Ask you to face death penalty, too? One of us is enough, Captain.然后让你也去面对死刑吗?我们其中一个承担就够了,舰长。

8.Even Christians' enemies recognize that they had a certain bravery and courage in being totally wilpng to face death.即使是基督徒的敌人也认同,他们很有勇气和胆量,完全无惧死亡。

9."I have no regret now. I am ready to face death at any time, " he told AFP.“现在我没有遗憾,我已经为随时面对死亡做好了准备”,他对AFP表示。

10.At least 30, 000 birds have died, and thousands more are covered in oil and face death in the coming days.至少30,000只鸟死亡,另外有数千沾染上油并且在未来的数天内面临死亡。